The Survey
This survey collects information to help us research the types of relationships between people and horses and the kinds of things that influence those relationships. It includes all equids -- horses, miniature horses, ponies, burros, mules, and others. It's possible that -- if you choose to -- your experiences may be cited in the book that results from this work.
Because we are collecting important information that has never been collected for analysis before the survey is fairly long, but it will help us all learn more about horses and humans if you can take the time to answer all questions. Of course, you can skip ones that don't apply to you, although we ask you to write "none" in boxes you would otherwise leave blank so it's easier to sort large volumes of data. But you may skip questions and submit a partial survey (or quit at any time and simply close the window) since you are under no obligation to take the survey to begin with.
Unless you fill out optional contact information, the survey is anonymous; we do not know who submitted any particular set of answers. However, if you would like to be cited by name in any publications that result from this research, fill out the optional contact information at the end of the survey so we can notify you if any of your comments are to be used in publications.
Frequently asked questions about the survey are answered here. If you have additional questions about the survey or how the data will be stored, analyzed, or used, please contact dawnadams at tapestryinstitute.org. Besides publication, initial survey results will be presented at the live-webcast Voice of the Horse Conference in Ames, Iowa on June 30-July 1, 2007. The page that comes up after you submit your survey responses tells you how to ask for notification when survey results are ready, if you want to see them.
Due to the overwhelming response we have received to the survey, it is necessary for us to limit this to an Internet-only survey. We hope to expand to mail-in surveys in the future.
Thank you for participating in this research project! We hope you will find the questions interesting and thought-provoking, and that you will come away from completing the survey with exciting new ideas about the horses you relate to and the partnerships you share.
Dawn Adrian Adams, Ph.D., President and Founder
Jo Belasco, Esq., Director of Horse-Human Relationship Program
Tapestry Institute
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