- Full Article
By Kentucky Equine Research Staff · October 13, 2014
Many pastured horses, and even those that are kept in stalls, seem to accumulate small cuts, scrapes, and scratches. These injuries are more frequent, and sometimes more severe, when groups of young, energetic horses are turned out together. In most cases, horse owners can clean and treat minor injuries that will heal quickly, and can get veterinary attention for larger or more serious lacerations.
One location where seemingly small injuries can have a long-lasting effect is the coronary band, or coronet. This area, where the top of the hoof joins the bottom of the horse’s pastern, is easily injured when the horse bangs a leg against a fence, rock, or other object encountered in the pasture or stall. If the horse steps on his own foot or is stepped on or kicked by another horse, coronary band injuries can result...
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Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Using DNA to Predict a Horse's Athletic Potential - Full Article
By Erica Larson, News Editor
Nov 10, 2014
Running might be in a Thoroughbred's genes, but did you know those genes also contain information scientists are using to predict how far, how fast, and how well that horse will run? And DNA assessment of these traits is gaining momentum. So much so that a group of horse racing officials and scientists recently met in Paris, France, for a round-table conference to discuss policy and best practices for this so-called DNA profiling and issued a statement on the topic.
DNA profiling is a relatively new practice designed to predict a horse's athletic potential by evaluating that individual's genetic markers.
"This is happening in the Thoroughbred world, but it's going to happen in the Standardbreds, it's going to happen in the Quarter Horses, it's going to happen in the competition horses..."
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By Erica Larson, News Editor
Nov 10, 2014
Running might be in a Thoroughbred's genes, but did you know those genes also contain information scientists are using to predict how far, how fast, and how well that horse will run? And DNA assessment of these traits is gaining momentum. So much so that a group of horse racing officials and scientists recently met in Paris, France, for a round-table conference to discuss policy and best practices for this so-called DNA profiling and issued a statement on the topic.
DNA profiling is a relatively new practice designed to predict a horse's athletic potential by evaluating that individual's genetic markers.
"This is happening in the Thoroughbred world, but it's going to happen in the Standardbreds, it's going to happen in the Quarter Horses, it's going to happen in the competition horses..."
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Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Watch This and You’ll Never Mount from the Ground Again
Posted on November 22, 2014 1:01 pm by Carley Sparks
The equine biomechanic experts at Centaur Biomechanics in the UK captured the impact of mounting from the ground on the horse’s saddle and back in this high speed camera footage. The video is only 59 seconds long, but by the 27 second mark, you’ll be screaming, “OMG, SWING YOUR LEG OVER ALREADY.” It’s torture to watch...
See article and video here:
Posted on November 22, 2014 1:01 pm by Carley Sparks
The equine biomechanic experts at Centaur Biomechanics in the UK captured the impact of mounting from the ground on the horse’s saddle and back in this high speed camera footage. The video is only 59 seconds long, but by the 27 second mark, you’ll be screaming, “OMG, SWING YOUR LEG OVER ALREADY.” It’s torture to watch...
See article and video here:
Monday, November 24, 2014
Top Winter Hoof Care Tips - Full Article
By Diane E. Rice
Nov 5, 2014
Despite the fact that horse owners across the country might be willing it away, winter will be here before we know it. That means it's time to start planning and preparing for cold and snow. And during planning, it's important to remember the structures that will stand between your horse and the snowy and icy ground: his hooves.
Scott Fleming, DVM, of Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky, and Tracy Turner, DVM, MS, Dipl. ACVS, of Anoka Equine Veterinary Service in Anoka, Minnesota—two veterinarians passionate about hoof care—recently shared their suggestions for keeping your horse's hooves healthy this winter:...
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By Diane E. Rice
Nov 5, 2014
Despite the fact that horse owners across the country might be willing it away, winter will be here before we know it. That means it's time to start planning and preparing for cold and snow. And during planning, it's important to remember the structures that will stand between your horse and the snowy and icy ground: his hooves.
Scott Fleming, DVM, of Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky, and Tracy Turner, DVM, MS, Dipl. ACVS, of Anoka Equine Veterinary Service in Anoka, Minnesota—two veterinarians passionate about hoof care—recently shared their suggestions for keeping your horse's hooves healthy this winter:...
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Sunday, November 23, 2014
Scientists: Pig-sized animal found in India was common ancestor for horses, rhinos

By Dan Taylor, Daily Digest News
November 23, 2014
Researchers believe the animal was isolated on India when it was an island in the middle of the ocean.
An international research team has found a common ancestor for the rhino and the horse.
The research team uncovered fossils in india that point to a common ancestor for perissodactyls, which are odd-toed ungulates that include rhinos, horses, and tapirs. Scientists have long known they were part of the same family, but the fossils represent the first time they have uncovered a common ancestor, according to NBC News.
It has been a gradual process: over the last 10 years or so, researchers have dug up more than 200 bones belonging to Cambaytherium thewissi in an open-pit coal mine northeast of Mumbai in Gujarat state.
With the help of these bones, researchers were able to get a better handle on Cambaytherium, and reported in the journal Nature Communications that the creature — which resembles a modern-day tapir — closely matches early perissodactyls...
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Does Your Sport Horse Have a Huge Heart? He Might! - Full Article
By Christa Lesté-Lasserre, MA
Nov 11, 2014
It's not uncommon for an owner of a particularly keen horse to affectionately say he has a “big heart.” But if that animal is a sport horse that completes intense workouts, he might, quite literally, have a huge heart.
Often called the “athlete’s heart,” an enlarged heart in a horse is often accompanied by murmurs and arrhythmias, said Rikke Buhl, PhD, exercise physiologist at the University of Copenhagen, in Denmark, at the 2014 International Society for Equitation Science (ISES), held Aug. 6-9 in Bredsten, Denmark. And while that might sound worrisome, Buhl said it’s still not clear whether athlete’s heart is actually related to the sudden equine deaths that sometimes occur during or just after exercise...
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By Christa Lesté-Lasserre, MA
Nov 11, 2014
It's not uncommon for an owner of a particularly keen horse to affectionately say he has a “big heart.” But if that animal is a sport horse that completes intense workouts, he might, quite literally, have a huge heart.
Often called the “athlete’s heart,” an enlarged heart in a horse is often accompanied by murmurs and arrhythmias, said Rikke Buhl, PhD, exercise physiologist at the University of Copenhagen, in Denmark, at the 2014 International Society for Equitation Science (ISES), held Aug. 6-9 in Bredsten, Denmark. And while that might sound worrisome, Buhl said it’s still not clear whether athlete’s heart is actually related to the sudden equine deaths that sometimes occur during or just after exercise...
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Saturday, November 22, 2014
The Overweight Horse Who Won't Stop Eating -- Leptin Resistance is the Key
November 21, 2014
The Overweight Horse Who Won’t Stop Eating -- Leptin Resistance is the Key!
by Juliet M. Getty, Ph.D.
Your horse is overweight. You’ve been told to feed him a lot less hay and you’re desperately trying to do the right thing. But it won’t work! It won’t work for your horse any more than a strict diet would work for people. We have known this for years when it comes to human obesity. The reason is simple – dieting restricts calories, which lowers the metabolic rate. Weight loss may occur at first, but the body goes into “survival mode” and starts to hold on to fat and becomes sluggish in burning calories, making it extremely easy to put all the weight back on.
Horses have an additional issue: Their digestive tract cannot tolerate periods of time without food; it requires a steady flow of forage. There are several reasons for this, including the constant secretion of stomach acid, the potential for ulcers, the need for the cecum to be full in order for digested feed to exit at the top, and more. Please take a look at my book, Equine Digestion - It’s Decidedly Different, for a complete understanding of how the horse is designed on the inside.
Free-choice forage (hay and/or pasture) does not make a horse obese; on the contrary, restricting forage is what leads to obesity. You should reduce or even eliminate the amount of concentrates you feed (e.g., beet pulp, grains, commercial feeds, etc.) but you must never reduce forage (be sure to add a vitamin/mineral supplement to a hay diet). Ideally, you should test your hay[i] to make certain it is low enough in calories, sugar, and starch to be fed to an overweight horse (who is likely insulin resistant) and then, feed it free-choice, 24/7, all day and all night. At first the horse will overeat, but once he gets the message that the hay is always there, that he can walk away from it and it will still be there when he returns – then, and only then, will he start to self-regulate and eat only what his body needs to maintain condition. If you let him run out of hay, even for 10 minutes, he will always perceive that as a shortage, and will continue to overeat.
But why does self-regulation take forever to occur in some horses?
It often has to do with the way he was previously fed. If the horse had been enduring periods of time where there was no hay, his body went into starvation mode; that is, his metabolic rate severely declined. Now that you’re feeding free-choice, he will gain weight (which is temporary for most horses, especially if you are providing him opportunities to move). But for some horses, the drive to continually eat seems to never end and self-regulation appears impossible. The reason? Leptin.
Leptin comes from body fat
Excess body fat, especially regional fat deposits along particular areas of the body[ii], is a clear indication of the tissues’ reluctance to recognize insulin. Insulin is required for glucose (blood sugar) to enter the cells. When the fat slows down the tissues’ recognition of insulin, the pancreas will continue to produce more and more in an attempt to finally get glucose to enter the cells. Elevated insulin tells the tissues to hold onto body fat, making the horse even fatter.
Enter leptin. Leptin is a hormone that is secreted from body fat. It is a good hormone; it tells the brain that the horse is full and he can stop eating. This mechanism works perfectly for the horse of normal weight. But the overly fat horse does not get the message that he is satisfied; the signal that the brain is supposed to get that says I’m no longer hungry doesn’t happen. He has become leptin resistant.
In an effort to help the horse lose weight, more times than not the horse owner will be advised to severely restrict the amount that the horse eats, and this starts a vicious cycle: The horse will likely lose some body fat and hence, the leptin level will drop. A decline in leptin signals the horse to eat more, potentially gaining back all of the body fat lost (which also happens in humans[iii]) combined with a decreased metabolic rate making it very easy to put back the pounds. Forage restriction, in particular, is extremely detrimental because the stress involved will increase cortisol, which subsequently induces elevated insulin, which promotes fat storage, and you’re back where you started.
But that’s the key! The more body fat, the more leptin is produced. That should be a good thing, no? The higher leptin level should tell the brain that it has had enough to eat, right? That’s what leptin is supposed to do. But it doesn’t.
Why not?
It has to do with inflammation. Body fat produces inflammatory molecules known as cytokines. These substances have two negative impacts: First, cytokines disrupt insulin action, reducing the cells’ insulin sensitivity, making your horse store more body fat. And second, and very important, cytokines impair the neurons in the brain’s hypothalamus[iv] —the area that normally responds to leptin!
What’s the solution?
Reduce inflammation.[v] This can be accomplished through dietary changes and adding anti-inflammatory nutraceuticals to the diet:
· Improve protein quality by feeding several sources: Mixed grasses and legumes, as well as whole foods such as ground flaxseeds, split peas, copra meal, whey protein isolate, hemp seeds, and chia seeds.
· Avoid added sugar and starch by eliminating sweetened feeds, cereal grains, wheat middlings, and rice bran.
· Avoid high-omega 6 oils, which are highly inflammatory (e.g., soybean, vegetable, corn, wheat germ, and safflower oils).
· Increase omega 3s by feeding ground flaxseeds and/or chia seeds. Fish oils can be included for high levels of inflammation.
· Look for a vitamin/mineral supplement that provides high amounts of antioxidants, particularly vitamins E, C, beta carotene (or vitamin A), and lipoic acid.
· Offer anti-inflammatory herbs such as grape seed extract, green tea extract, spirulina, curcumin, and boswellia.[vi]
Bottom line
By reducing inflammation, the brain will likely become more responsive to leptin, allowing the horse to stop eating when he is full. Stress needs to be eliminated through unlimited grazing on an appropriate forage. Slow-feeders can be useful in reducing intake.[vii] Combine all this with increased movement, and you have a formula for success.
Permission to reprint this article commercially is granted, provided prior notice is given to Dr. Getty at No editorial changes may be made without her approval. Dr. Getty appreciates being informed of when and where reprints are published.
Juliet M. Getty, Ph.D. is an internationally respected, independent equine nutritionist who believes that optimizing horse health comes from understanding how the horse’s physiology and instincts determine the correct feeding and nutrition practices. She is available for private consultations and speaking engagements.
Dr. Getty’s website,, offers a generous stock of free, useful information for the horseperson. Sign up for her free monthly newsletter, Forage for Thought; browse her library of reference articles; shop her online store of recommended supplements; search her nutrition forum; and purchase recordings of her educational teleseminars. All of Dr. Getty’s books are also available from Amazon and other online retailers. Reach Dr. Getty directly at
[i] Testing your hay for its caloric content (digestible energy), as well as its sugar (ESC) and starch levels, is the only true way to know if the hay is appropriate to feed free-choice. Equi-Analytical Labs offers economical tests to provide equine-based results – Equi-Tech test is recommended.
[ii] Areas include a cresty neck, crease going down the spine, fat along the ribs, behind the shoulders, on the tail head, and even over the eyes.
[iii] Rosenbaum, M., Goldsmith, R., Bloomfield, D., et al., 2005. Low-dose leptin reverses skeletal muscle, autonomic, neuroendocrine adaptations to maintenance of reduced weight. J. Clin Invest, 115, 3579-3586.
[iv] Guyenet, S.J., and Schwartz, M.W., 2012. Regulation of food intake, energy balance, and body fat mass: Implications for the pathogenesis and treatment of obesity. J. Clin. Endocrinol Metab., 97(3), 745-755
[v] Thaler, J.P., Yi, C., Schur, E.A., et al., 2011. Obesity is association with hypothalamic injury in rodents and humans. J. Clin Invest, 10.1172/JC159660.[PubMed]
[vi] Please refer to articles on nutritional management in the Library section of Getty Equine Nutrition –
[vii] Getty, J.M., 2014. The correct way to use slow feeders.
November 21, 2014
The Overweight Horse Who Won’t Stop Eating -- Leptin Resistance is the Key!
by Juliet M. Getty, Ph.D.
Your horse is overweight. You’ve been told to feed him a lot less hay and you’re desperately trying to do the right thing. But it won’t work! It won’t work for your horse any more than a strict diet would work for people. We have known this for years when it comes to human obesity. The reason is simple – dieting restricts calories, which lowers the metabolic rate. Weight loss may occur at first, but the body goes into “survival mode” and starts to hold on to fat and becomes sluggish in burning calories, making it extremely easy to put all the weight back on.
Horses have an additional issue: Their digestive tract cannot tolerate periods of time without food; it requires a steady flow of forage. There are several reasons for this, including the constant secretion of stomach acid, the potential for ulcers, the need for the cecum to be full in order for digested feed to exit at the top, and more. Please take a look at my book, Equine Digestion - It’s Decidedly Different, for a complete understanding of how the horse is designed on the inside.
Free-choice forage (hay and/or pasture) does not make a horse obese; on the contrary, restricting forage is what leads to obesity. You should reduce or even eliminate the amount of concentrates you feed (e.g., beet pulp, grains, commercial feeds, etc.) but you must never reduce forage (be sure to add a vitamin/mineral supplement to a hay diet). Ideally, you should test your hay[i] to make certain it is low enough in calories, sugar, and starch to be fed to an overweight horse (who is likely insulin resistant) and then, feed it free-choice, 24/7, all day and all night. At first the horse will overeat, but once he gets the message that the hay is always there, that he can walk away from it and it will still be there when he returns – then, and only then, will he start to self-regulate and eat only what his body needs to maintain condition. If you let him run out of hay, even for 10 minutes, he will always perceive that as a shortage, and will continue to overeat.
But why does self-regulation take forever to occur in some horses?
It often has to do with the way he was previously fed. If the horse had been enduring periods of time where there was no hay, his body went into starvation mode; that is, his metabolic rate severely declined. Now that you’re feeding free-choice, he will gain weight (which is temporary for most horses, especially if you are providing him opportunities to move). But for some horses, the drive to continually eat seems to never end and self-regulation appears impossible. The reason? Leptin.
Leptin comes from body fat
Excess body fat, especially regional fat deposits along particular areas of the body[ii], is a clear indication of the tissues’ reluctance to recognize insulin. Insulin is required for glucose (blood sugar) to enter the cells. When the fat slows down the tissues’ recognition of insulin, the pancreas will continue to produce more and more in an attempt to finally get glucose to enter the cells. Elevated insulin tells the tissues to hold onto body fat, making the horse even fatter.
Enter leptin. Leptin is a hormone that is secreted from body fat. It is a good hormone; it tells the brain that the horse is full and he can stop eating. This mechanism works perfectly for the horse of normal weight. But the overly fat horse does not get the message that he is satisfied; the signal that the brain is supposed to get that says I’m no longer hungry doesn’t happen. He has become leptin resistant.
In an effort to help the horse lose weight, more times than not the horse owner will be advised to severely restrict the amount that the horse eats, and this starts a vicious cycle: The horse will likely lose some body fat and hence, the leptin level will drop. A decline in leptin signals the horse to eat more, potentially gaining back all of the body fat lost (which also happens in humans[iii]) combined with a decreased metabolic rate making it very easy to put back the pounds. Forage restriction, in particular, is extremely detrimental because the stress involved will increase cortisol, which subsequently induces elevated insulin, which promotes fat storage, and you’re back where you started.
But that’s the key! The more body fat, the more leptin is produced. That should be a good thing, no? The higher leptin level should tell the brain that it has had enough to eat, right? That’s what leptin is supposed to do. But it doesn’t.
Why not?
It has to do with inflammation. Body fat produces inflammatory molecules known as cytokines. These substances have two negative impacts: First, cytokines disrupt insulin action, reducing the cells’ insulin sensitivity, making your horse store more body fat. And second, and very important, cytokines impair the neurons in the brain’s hypothalamus[iv] —the area that normally responds to leptin!
What’s the solution?
Reduce inflammation.[v] This can be accomplished through dietary changes and adding anti-inflammatory nutraceuticals to the diet:
· Improve protein quality by feeding several sources: Mixed grasses and legumes, as well as whole foods such as ground flaxseeds, split peas, copra meal, whey protein isolate, hemp seeds, and chia seeds.
· Avoid added sugar and starch by eliminating sweetened feeds, cereal grains, wheat middlings, and rice bran.
· Avoid high-omega 6 oils, which are highly inflammatory (e.g., soybean, vegetable, corn, wheat germ, and safflower oils).
· Increase omega 3s by feeding ground flaxseeds and/or chia seeds. Fish oils can be included for high levels of inflammation.
· Look for a vitamin/mineral supplement that provides high amounts of antioxidants, particularly vitamins E, C, beta carotene (or vitamin A), and lipoic acid.
· Offer anti-inflammatory herbs such as grape seed extract, green tea extract, spirulina, curcumin, and boswellia.[vi]
Bottom line
By reducing inflammation, the brain will likely become more responsive to leptin, allowing the horse to stop eating when he is full. Stress needs to be eliminated through unlimited grazing on an appropriate forage. Slow-feeders can be useful in reducing intake.[vii] Combine all this with increased movement, and you have a formula for success.
Permission to reprint this article commercially is granted, provided prior notice is given to Dr. Getty at No editorial changes may be made without her approval. Dr. Getty appreciates being informed of when and where reprints are published.
Juliet M. Getty, Ph.D. is an internationally respected, independent equine nutritionist who believes that optimizing horse health comes from understanding how the horse’s physiology and instincts determine the correct feeding and nutrition practices. She is available for private consultations and speaking engagements.
Dr. Getty’s website,, offers a generous stock of free, useful information for the horseperson. Sign up for her free monthly newsletter, Forage for Thought; browse her library of reference articles; shop her online store of recommended supplements; search her nutrition forum; and purchase recordings of her educational teleseminars. All of Dr. Getty’s books are also available from Amazon and other online retailers. Reach Dr. Getty directly at
[i] Testing your hay for its caloric content (digestible energy), as well as its sugar (ESC) and starch levels, is the only true way to know if the hay is appropriate to feed free-choice. Equi-Analytical Labs offers economical tests to provide equine-based results – Equi-Tech test is recommended.
[ii] Areas include a cresty neck, crease going down the spine, fat along the ribs, behind the shoulders, on the tail head, and even over the eyes.
[iii] Rosenbaum, M., Goldsmith, R., Bloomfield, D., et al., 2005. Low-dose leptin reverses skeletal muscle, autonomic, neuroendocrine adaptations to maintenance of reduced weight. J. Clin Invest, 115, 3579-3586.
[iv] Guyenet, S.J., and Schwartz, M.W., 2012. Regulation of food intake, energy balance, and body fat mass: Implications for the pathogenesis and treatment of obesity. J. Clin. Endocrinol Metab., 97(3), 745-755
[v] Thaler, J.P., Yi, C., Schur, E.A., et al., 2011. Obesity is association with hypothalamic injury in rodents and humans. J. Clin Invest, 10.1172/JC159660.[PubMed]
[vi] Please refer to articles on nutritional management in the Library section of Getty Equine Nutrition –
[vii] Getty, J.M., 2014. The correct way to use slow feeders.
Benefits of Late-Season Hay for Horses - Full Article
by Kentucky Equine Research Staff · October 2, 2014
As the warm summer months draw to a close, horse owners stock up on hay for the winter. The hay man has a variety of hays available, including the yellow or brown, less leafy fall hays. Although they might not be as physically attractive and green as the hay harvested earlier in the summer, there are many benefits to late-cut hays.
Did you know these facts about late-cut hays?
Late-cut hays have less water-soluble carbohydrates (i.e., glucose, sucrose, fructose, and fructans) and are therefore better for obese, insulin sensitive/resistant horses, and those diagnosed with equine metabolic syndrome.
They have more structural carbohydrates that are fermented in the large intestine to provide energy in the form of volatile fatty acids (e.g., lactate, acetate)...
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by Kentucky Equine Research Staff · October 2, 2014
As the warm summer months draw to a close, horse owners stock up on hay for the winter. The hay man has a variety of hays available, including the yellow or brown, less leafy fall hays. Although they might not be as physically attractive and green as the hay harvested earlier in the summer, there are many benefits to late-cut hays.
Did you know these facts about late-cut hays?
Late-cut hays have less water-soluble carbohydrates (i.e., glucose, sucrose, fructose, and fructans) and are therefore better for obese, insulin sensitive/resistant horses, and those diagnosed with equine metabolic syndrome.
They have more structural carbohydrates that are fermented in the large intestine to provide energy in the form of volatile fatty acids (e.g., lactate, acetate)...
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Endurance and Conscious Competence - Full Article
By Patti Stedman | November 19th, 2014
There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning.
–Jiddu Krishnamurti
Long before I joined AERC’s Education Committee, I’ve been a teacher.
I come by it genetically, I think. My mother was a third grade teacher and my Dad has a gift for sharing ideas and telling stories to illustrate a point. So I combined my passion for horses and teaching by becoming a certified riding instructor during college before realizing that health insurance and a steady income were going to be beneficial to a theoretical ‘grown up.’
But even as my career changed and evolved to what it is today, teaching has been what I love to do. I think part of it is because I am addicted to learning; I sometimes think I got caught in the intellectual curiosity of a 4th grader. I want to know why and how.
One of my favorite models about learning is the Conscious/Competence matrix, which has been attributed to several different individuals. Never mind that, I think what’s most fascinating is how it fits in with our sport.
We all know that endurance riding has a steep learning curve; I don’t know a single endurance rider, even those with great success, who will not admit to having made dozens of mistakes at the start of their career. Most of us will admit that we still make mistakes, and sadly, most of these come at the expense of our horse’s well-being and therefore we try hard not to make the same mistake repeatedly...
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By Patti Stedman | November 19th, 2014
There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning.
–Jiddu Krishnamurti
Long before I joined AERC’s Education Committee, I’ve been a teacher.
I come by it genetically, I think. My mother was a third grade teacher and my Dad has a gift for sharing ideas and telling stories to illustrate a point. So I combined my passion for horses and teaching by becoming a certified riding instructor during college before realizing that health insurance and a steady income were going to be beneficial to a theoretical ‘grown up.’
But even as my career changed and evolved to what it is today, teaching has been what I love to do. I think part of it is because I am addicted to learning; I sometimes think I got caught in the intellectual curiosity of a 4th grader. I want to know why and how.
One of my favorite models about learning is the Conscious/Competence matrix, which has been attributed to several different individuals. Never mind that, I think what’s most fascinating is how it fits in with our sport.
We all know that endurance riding has a steep learning curve; I don’t know a single endurance rider, even those with great success, who will not admit to having made dozens of mistakes at the start of their career. Most of us will admit that we still make mistakes, and sadly, most of these come at the expense of our horse’s well-being and therefore we try hard not to make the same mistake repeatedly...
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Friday, November 21, 2014
Why horsing around is good for you: Spending time around stables proven to reduce stress - Full Article
PUBLISHED: 10:51 EST, 25 April 2014
Horsing around can make teenagers less stressed out, new research has revealed.
A study found that children who spend time with horses or riding have lower levels of stress hormones, according to measurements taken from their saliva.
Researchers looked at 130 teenagers taking part in an after school horsemanship course that lasted 12 weeks.
They spent 90 minutes a week learning about horses: how to care for, groom, handle, and ride the animals.
Each teenager gave six samples of saliva over a two day period before and after the 12 week programme.
Researchers analysed the levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the samples.
The results, published in the American Psychological Association's Human-Animal Interaction Bulletin, revealed that children who spent time with horses had ‘significantly’ lower stress levels than a control group...
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PUBLISHED: 10:51 EST, 25 April 2014
Horsing around can make teenagers less stressed out, new research has revealed.
A study found that children who spend time with horses or riding have lower levels of stress hormones, according to measurements taken from their saliva.
Researchers looked at 130 teenagers taking part in an after school horsemanship course that lasted 12 weeks.
They spent 90 minutes a week learning about horses: how to care for, groom, handle, and ride the animals.
Each teenager gave six samples of saliva over a two day period before and after the 12 week programme.
Researchers analysed the levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the samples.
The results, published in the American Psychological Association's Human-Animal Interaction Bulletin, revealed that children who spent time with horses had ‘significantly’ lower stress levels than a control group...
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Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Thermoregulation in horses in a cold time of year. (Revised)
Holistichorseandhoofcare Blog - Full Article
by ©Natalija Aleksandrova
(Updated, presented at the 10th International EAHAE Conference, Poland, 2014)
Most horse owners are aware of the damage and crisis inherent with fever states. Few horse owners realize how well adapted horses are to deal with cold when certain aspects of their lifestyle are in place for them.
In order for a mammal to survive, internal body temperature is kept within a very narrow range. If the temperature exceeds these limits either above or below, the chemical reactions in the body function improperly, or they stop functioning at all. Fluctuations outside of the normal temperature range result in health problems or death of the animal.
Mature horses maintain their internal body temperature at a range of around 38℃. Foals, rapidly growing youngsters, pregnant and lactating mares have a higher than normal internal body temperature (Hines, 2004).
Heat in the horse's body is continuously generated as a by-product of metabolism, and a healthy animal has significant internal sources of heat from the metabolic processes (Bicego at al., 2007). To control internal heat loss during the cold time of year, the horse is provided by Nature with complicated and extremely efficient anatomical, physiological and behavioral thermoregulatory mechanisms...
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by ©Natalija Aleksandrova
(Updated, presented at the 10th International EAHAE Conference, Poland, 2014)
Most horse owners are aware of the damage and crisis inherent with fever states. Few horse owners realize how well adapted horses are to deal with cold when certain aspects of their lifestyle are in place for them.
In order for a mammal to survive, internal body temperature is kept within a very narrow range. If the temperature exceeds these limits either above or below, the chemical reactions in the body function improperly, or they stop functioning at all. Fluctuations outside of the normal temperature range result in health problems or death of the animal.
Mature horses maintain their internal body temperature at a range of around 38℃. Foals, rapidly growing youngsters, pregnant and lactating mares have a higher than normal internal body temperature (Hines, 2004).
Heat in the horse's body is continuously generated as a by-product of metabolism, and a healthy animal has significant internal sources of heat from the metabolic processes (Bicego at al., 2007). To control internal heat loss during the cold time of year, the horse is provided by Nature with complicated and extremely efficient anatomical, physiological and behavioral thermoregulatory mechanisms...
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Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Horse Supplements: Just the Basics - Full Article
By Kentucky Equine Research Staff · October 1, 2014
Forage is a horse’s natural food, and all equine diets should be built around this material. Young growing horses and equines in moderate to heavy exercise may need the important nutrients and additional energy provided by grain meals. Beyond forage and grain, many horses don’t really need to have their rations boosted with extra powders, liquids, or granules of this and that. So why are there so many shelves of equine nutritional supplements displayed at every horse supply store?
Though the average horse in light work gets along fine on grass and a little grain, horses with special needs may do better with just a little bit of dietary help in some areas. No two horses are exactly the same, and their nutritional needs will vary according to their metabolism, age, and work level.
Hoof supplements are designed to provide the specific nutrients that are necessary for the growth of strong, healthy hoof tissue. If a horse has hooves that tend to split or chip easily, it may be hard to keep him from losing shoes, and he might become lame because of hoof cracks. A supplement that contains biotin, methionine, zinc, and iodine can improve the strength of hoof tissue, though it will take many months to grow down from the coronary band...
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By Kentucky Equine Research Staff · October 1, 2014
Forage is a horse’s natural food, and all equine diets should be built around this material. Young growing horses and equines in moderate to heavy exercise may need the important nutrients and additional energy provided by grain meals. Beyond forage and grain, many horses don’t really need to have their rations boosted with extra powders, liquids, or granules of this and that. So why are there so many shelves of equine nutritional supplements displayed at every horse supply store?
Though the average horse in light work gets along fine on grass and a little grain, horses with special needs may do better with just a little bit of dietary help in some areas. No two horses are exactly the same, and their nutritional needs will vary according to their metabolism, age, and work level.
Hoof supplements are designed to provide the specific nutrients that are necessary for the growth of strong, healthy hoof tissue. If a horse has hooves that tend to split or chip easily, it may be hard to keep him from losing shoes, and he might become lame because of hoof cracks. A supplement that contains biotin, methionine, zinc, and iodine can improve the strength of hoof tissue, though it will take many months to grow down from the coronary band...
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Horses & (Medical) Marijuana - Full Article
October 9, 2013
Shara Rutberg
Did you know that cannabis was once used to treat equine ailments? HN's resident Colorado girl Shara Rutberg investigates.
From Shara:
On my way to the barn, I pass The Farm, one of the many pot shops, er, medical dispensaries here in Boulder, Colorado, where we voted to legalize recreational pot and where an advocacy group literally handed out joints on a popular pedestrian mall a few weeks back. Down in Denver, there are more pot shops than Starbucks. And many have names like The Farm, and The Dandelion, that sound alluring to equines.
Might this just be the ideal thing to take the edge off my brave steed, who has done airs above the ground in response to jump decorations 200 yards away across the cross country course? Would a handful of Mary Jane in the alfalfa make the pony peaceful with pumpkins (dear god!) on the jumps? Would it garner points for relaxation at the canter? Could I clip the beast without a vet if he nibbles a few kind cookies before I warm up the Wahls?
People have been using cannabis to help horses for ages. The ancient Greeks used it for colic and wound care. The U.S. government supplied cannabis as part of the standard first aid kit to cavalry troopers who also did vet duty in the field. A cavalry manual recommends it for “spasmodic colic and other intestinal troubles...”
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October 9, 2013
Shara Rutberg
Did you know that cannabis was once used to treat equine ailments? HN's resident Colorado girl Shara Rutberg investigates.
From Shara:
On my way to the barn, I pass The Farm, one of the many pot shops, er, medical dispensaries here in Boulder, Colorado, where we voted to legalize recreational pot and where an advocacy group literally handed out joints on a popular pedestrian mall a few weeks back. Down in Denver, there are more pot shops than Starbucks. And many have names like The Farm, and The Dandelion, that sound alluring to equines.
Might this just be the ideal thing to take the edge off my brave steed, who has done airs above the ground in response to jump decorations 200 yards away across the cross country course? Would a handful of Mary Jane in the alfalfa make the pony peaceful with pumpkins (dear god!) on the jumps? Would it garner points for relaxation at the canter? Could I clip the beast without a vet if he nibbles a few kind cookies before I warm up the Wahls?
People have been using cannabis to help horses for ages. The ancient Greeks used it for colic and wound care. The U.S. government supplied cannabis as part of the standard first aid kit to cavalry troopers who also did vet duty in the field. A cavalry manual recommends it for “spasmodic colic and other intestinal troubles...”
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Monday, November 17, 2014
Giving the rest of us reachable [endurance] goals
Endurancegranny Blog - Full Article
by Endurance Granny - Jacke Reynolds
Under the current awards system accomplishment is often equated in $ signs. How much expendable cash do you have? That determines your shot at a regional award, along with perseverance, time commitment, and a horse that can do the job, churning out mile...after mile...after mile. Granted, that is what endurance is, hanging in there for the long haul literally. But for riders who may be considered outsiders in that they can only commit to one, two, or three rides a year, membership and participation is different, other than just a personal goal there is little award involved, though still good deal of riding commitment, membership expense, and horse care. So how do we reward that type of rider which I don't know clearly how many of us there actually are out there as opposed to those who ride 6-10 rides or more annually who are clearly in the hunt for an organizational prize.
I propose that recognition of "firsts" (not first place, first successful attempts at) could be a huge motivator for the part-time endurance rider. It would give them attainable goals to reach for, a reason to pay for membership, and clearly reason to stay involved as they would be reaching for something instead of "just riding..."
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by Endurance Granny - Jacke Reynolds
Under the current awards system accomplishment is often equated in $ signs. How much expendable cash do you have? That determines your shot at a regional award, along with perseverance, time commitment, and a horse that can do the job, churning out mile...after mile...after mile. Granted, that is what endurance is, hanging in there for the long haul literally. But for riders who may be considered outsiders in that they can only commit to one, two, or three rides a year, membership and participation is different, other than just a personal goal there is little award involved, though still good deal of riding commitment, membership expense, and horse care. So how do we reward that type of rider which I don't know clearly how many of us there actually are out there as opposed to those who ride 6-10 rides or more annually who are clearly in the hunt for an organizational prize.
I propose that recognition of "firsts" (not first place, first successful attempts at) could be a huge motivator for the part-time endurance rider. It would give them attainable goals to reach for, a reason to pay for membership, and clearly reason to stay involved as they would be reaching for something instead of "just riding..."
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Sunday, November 16, 2014
“Where Have All the Horses Gone?” Forum - Full Article
“Where Have All the Horses Gone?” Forum Presents Explanations For Decline in Registered Horses, Impact on Industry, and Solutions For Future
July 8, 2014
(Washington, DC)- On June 24, the American Horse Council held its National Issues Forum, sponsored by Luitpold, the makers of Adequan, in Washington, DC. The forum featured speakers from across the horse industry discussing “Where Have All the Horses Gone?” Leaders from breed registries, racing, showing, the various disciplines, veterinarians and other stakeholders spoke about the decline in registered horses and the impact on their segment of the horse industry.
Several major points emerged from the forum. There has been a decline in the number of foals and registered horses over the last several years that is impacting all breeds and segments of the industry and the leaders of the industry are aware of this decline and are taking action. It was also noted that this is not the first such decline in the number of horses and in previous instances there was later a rebound in numbers.
“People have been talking about the decline in horse numbers for some time, however this is the first time the issue has been discussed in a comprehensive fashion,” said AHC president Jay Hickey. “It was a very good program and attendees now have a better understanding of current conditions and what actions are being taken.”
The forum began with a presentation by Tim Capps, Director of the Equine Industry Program at the University of Louisville. Mr. Capps presented evidence that the industry has experienced several drops in horse numbers and prices in modern history, most notably during the Great Depression and in the mid-1980s. He pointed out the horse industry often parallels the wider economy and the current situation closely mirrors the impact the Great Depression had on the industry. In the past following such declines, growth was often propelled by individuals outside the industry becoming interested and investing in the industry, noted Capps. He believes it will again be important to look beyond current horse industry participants to grow the industry now and in the future...
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“Where Have All the Horses Gone?” Forum Presents Explanations For Decline in Registered Horses, Impact on Industry, and Solutions For Future
July 8, 2014
(Washington, DC)- On June 24, the American Horse Council held its National Issues Forum, sponsored by Luitpold, the makers of Adequan, in Washington, DC. The forum featured speakers from across the horse industry discussing “Where Have All the Horses Gone?” Leaders from breed registries, racing, showing, the various disciplines, veterinarians and other stakeholders spoke about the decline in registered horses and the impact on their segment of the horse industry.
Several major points emerged from the forum. There has been a decline in the number of foals and registered horses over the last several years that is impacting all breeds and segments of the industry and the leaders of the industry are aware of this decline and are taking action. It was also noted that this is not the first such decline in the number of horses and in previous instances there was later a rebound in numbers.
“People have been talking about the decline in horse numbers for some time, however this is the first time the issue has been discussed in a comprehensive fashion,” said AHC president Jay Hickey. “It was a very good program and attendees now have a better understanding of current conditions and what actions are being taken.”
The forum began with a presentation by Tim Capps, Director of the Equine Industry Program at the University of Louisville. Mr. Capps presented evidence that the industry has experienced several drops in horse numbers and prices in modern history, most notably during the Great Depression and in the mid-1980s. He pointed out the horse industry often parallels the wider economy and the current situation closely mirrors the impact the Great Depression had on the industry. In the past following such declines, growth was often propelled by individuals outside the industry becoming interested and investing in the industry, noted Capps. He believes it will again be important to look beyond current horse industry participants to grow the industry now and in the future...
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Special Herd of Spanish Mission Horse Facing Extinction
For over twenty years, the Heritage Discover Center and Rancho Del Sueno have conserved and cared for the herd of the Colonial Spanish Wilbur-Cruce Mission Horses. These horses were determined by equine geneticists to be an exceptional strain of the original Iberian stock brought to the Americas by the Spanish during the period of exploration and colonization. Due to their contained isolation on the ranch, these horses are unlike any others on earth. Now known as the Colonial Spanish Wilbur-Cruce Mission Horse, they represent the last pure examples of the original Spanish horses sent to the New World.
Heritage Discovery Center (HDC) is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of rare Colonial Spanish horses, as well as an advocate for experiential equine-facilitated psychotherapy and education. Without additional funding for feed, veterinary care, and the essential necessities, there will be no recourse but to disband this rare genetic resource and dispose of the herd of 50+ foundation livestock.
Rancho Del Sueno is the only facility dedicated to the conservation of this endangered breed. The horses themselves share in this responsibility:
• As ambassadors for time-honored “living history” colonial educational programs that have entertained and enlightened thousands of people over the years.
• As partners in an innovative therapy for individuals with various physical or psychological challenges and others seeking personal growth.
• As teachers through their generous character and their innate desire to be deeply connected with humans.
In 1990, President/Founder Robin Lea Collins’ ranch, Rancho Del Sueno, became the steward for a special herd of Colonial Spanish horses from the Wilbur-Cruce ranch in southern Arizona. Dr. Ruben Wilbur, originally purchased the horses in the late 1800’s from Father Kino’s Mission Dolores in Sonora, Mexico. Over a hundred and twenty years later, the Nature Conservancy acquired a portion of this ranch from Dr. Wilbur’s granddaughter, Eva Antonia Wilbur-Cruce, requiring relocation of the family’s historic mission horses. Rancho Del Sueno became their new home.
To make a donation, please use PayPal, Facebook, Twitter, GoFundMe or send a check to: Rancho Del Sueno or Heritage Discovery Center, Inc. at 40222 Millstream Lane, Madrea, CA 93636. All contributions, no matter how small, are greatly needed.
To learn more about the RDS programs and the Colonial Spanish Wilbur-Cruce Mission horses, please visit,
The Heritage Discover Center is a registered 501(c) 3 non-profit organization, and your gifts are tax deductible.
Robin Lea Collins, President/Founder
Heritage Discovery Center and Rancho Del Sueno, equine division of HDC
40222 Millstream Lane
Madera, California 93636
559 868-8681
559 868- 8682 fax
For over twenty years, the Heritage Discover Center and Rancho Del Sueno have conserved and cared for the herd of the Colonial Spanish Wilbur-Cruce Mission Horses. These horses were determined by equine geneticists to be an exceptional strain of the original Iberian stock brought to the Americas by the Spanish during the period of exploration and colonization. Due to their contained isolation on the ranch, these horses are unlike any others on earth. Now known as the Colonial Spanish Wilbur-Cruce Mission Horse, they represent the last pure examples of the original Spanish horses sent to the New World.
Heritage Discovery Center (HDC) is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of rare Colonial Spanish horses, as well as an advocate for experiential equine-facilitated psychotherapy and education. Without additional funding for feed, veterinary care, and the essential necessities, there will be no recourse but to disband this rare genetic resource and dispose of the herd of 50+ foundation livestock.
Rancho Del Sueno is the only facility dedicated to the conservation of this endangered breed. The horses themselves share in this responsibility:
• As ambassadors for time-honored “living history” colonial educational programs that have entertained and enlightened thousands of people over the years.
• As partners in an innovative therapy for individuals with various physical or psychological challenges and others seeking personal growth.
• As teachers through their generous character and their innate desire to be deeply connected with humans.
In 1990, President/Founder Robin Lea Collins’ ranch, Rancho Del Sueno, became the steward for a special herd of Colonial Spanish horses from the Wilbur-Cruce ranch in southern Arizona. Dr. Ruben Wilbur, originally purchased the horses in the late 1800’s from Father Kino’s Mission Dolores in Sonora, Mexico. Over a hundred and twenty years later, the Nature Conservancy acquired a portion of this ranch from Dr. Wilbur’s granddaughter, Eva Antonia Wilbur-Cruce, requiring relocation of the family’s historic mission horses. Rancho Del Sueno became their new home.
To make a donation, please use PayPal, Facebook, Twitter, GoFundMe or send a check to: Rancho Del Sueno or Heritage Discovery Center, Inc. at 40222 Millstream Lane, Madrea, CA 93636. All contributions, no matter how small, are greatly needed.
To learn more about the RDS programs and the Colonial Spanish Wilbur-Cruce Mission horses, please visit,
The Heritage Discover Center is a registered 501(c) 3 non-profit organization, and your gifts are tax deductible.
Robin Lea Collins, President/Founder
Heritage Discovery Center and Rancho Del Sueno, equine division of HDC
40222 Millstream Lane
Madera, California 93636
559 868-8681
559 868- 8682 fax
Minerals 101 - Full Article
By Karen Briggs
Nov 3, 2014
Minerals make up only the tiniest fraction of the weight of the daily ration, yet they're critically important for literally dozens of daily bodily functions. Here's a rundown of the most important minerals in your horse’s diet.
Calcium and Phosphorus (Ca and P)
Function—First on the feed tag, and in most discussions of minerals, is calcium, a versatile player best known for its role in bone structure and repair. Calcium makes up about 35% of the horse’s bone structure, but it also is involved in a host of other functions, including cardiac muscle contraction, cell membrane integrity, glandular secretion, temperature regulation, and blood clotting mechanisms. The absorption efficiency of calcium seems to decline with age and to range from as high as 75% in young horses to 50% or less in older ones...
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By Karen Briggs
Nov 3, 2014
Minerals make up only the tiniest fraction of the weight of the daily ration, yet they're critically important for literally dozens of daily bodily functions. Here's a rundown of the most important minerals in your horse’s diet.
Calcium and Phosphorus (Ca and P)
Function—First on the feed tag, and in most discussions of minerals, is calcium, a versatile player best known for its role in bone structure and repair. Calcium makes up about 35% of the horse’s bone structure, but it also is involved in a host of other functions, including cardiac muscle contraction, cell membrane integrity, glandular secretion, temperature regulation, and blood clotting mechanisms. The absorption efficiency of calcium seems to decline with age and to range from as high as 75% in young horses to 50% or less in older ones...
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Saturday, November 15, 2014
Not All Winter Coats are Created Equal - Full Article
By Erica
21 Oct 2014
Winter coats are a funny thing. Horse owners love them because they not only keep their four-legged family members warm when temperatures drop, but they also save probably hours of work over the course of a winter that otherwise would be spent putting on and removing various blankets to keep our charges warm. Yes, we love them. That is, until those coats don't grow in enough or, sometimes worse, grow in too much for the horse's workload or geographic location.
And yesterday, as I sent millions of dark brown hairs flying around the barn (and somehow into the depths of the layers I wore…) during Dorado's second body clip of the fall, I realized that most of the horses I've had winter coat wars with over the years have been either seniors or horses rapidly approaching their golden years...
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By Erica
21 Oct 2014
Winter coats are a funny thing. Horse owners love them because they not only keep their four-legged family members warm when temperatures drop, but they also save probably hours of work over the course of a winter that otherwise would be spent putting on and removing various blankets to keep our charges warm. Yes, we love them. That is, until those coats don't grow in enough or, sometimes worse, grow in too much for the horse's workload or geographic location.
And yesterday, as I sent millions of dark brown hairs flying around the barn (and somehow into the depths of the layers I wore…) during Dorado's second body clip of the fall, I realized that most of the horses I've had winter coat wars with over the years have been either seniors or horses rapidly approaching their golden years...
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Thursday, November 13, 2014
MT. BIKERS vs EQUESTRIANS: An explanation of horses to bikers – written by a biker - Full Article
You have all heard me rant about bikers that seem to have no regard for equestrians.
I’ve had an accident caused by a biker and many near misses since we live in a hilly and curvy landscape… Hilly and curvy makes for great riding and also many blind and speedy corners.
I know that I always thank cyclist who are kind towards equestrians. But, what do you say to those who aren’t respectful?
Usually, I yell something like, “It wouldn’t be funny if this was your kid on board!”… but they’re so far down the trail they never hear me.
So, when I saw this posted on our Equestrian board today, I thought some of you out there might find this handy if you get the chance to offer a cyclist’s explanation to other cyclists about equine safely...
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You have all heard me rant about bikers that seem to have no regard for equestrians.
I’ve had an accident caused by a biker and many near misses since we live in a hilly and curvy landscape… Hilly and curvy makes for great riding and also many blind and speedy corners.
I know that I always thank cyclist who are kind towards equestrians. But, what do you say to those who aren’t respectful?
Usually, I yell something like, “It wouldn’t be funny if this was your kid on board!”… but they’re so far down the trail they never hear me.
So, when I saw this posted on our Equestrian board today, I thought some of you out there might find this handy if you get the chance to offer a cyclist’s explanation to other cyclists about equine safely...
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Sunday, November 09, 2014
How to Set Effective Goals for Your Riding
By Sarah E. Coleman | November 7, 2014
Riding lessons, whether with an Olympic-caliber trainer or a local professional, can be a worthwhile investment in deepening your partnership with your horse. But in order to get the most bang for your riding-lesson buck, you’ll need to have clear goals in mind to which you can compare your progress.
The Big Picture
Though goals may vary across disciplines and skill levels, their general purpose is the same: to provide benchmarks on how you and your horse have progressed (not necessarily in a straight line!) from where you were as a team at set points in the months or years past.
Many riders can pinpoint one large goal they would like accomplish, whether it’s something as monumental as "I want to jump a Grand Prix showjumping course” or something more basic like "I want my horse to be safe and quiet when on the trail.” But it can be harder to break that large goal down into bite-sized, easily attainable pieces.
It’s important to keep in mind that there is no linear path every horseman must follow to get a broke horse; instead, it’s up to each individual rider to determine what stepping stones are best for her and her horse to reach their end goal.
It’s also helpful to keep a sense of humor and realize that for every step forward, you and your horse might take one backward—and that’s OK. We might not all ride the next Roxy or Totilas, but there’s nothing wrong with endeavoring to make your horse the best he can be.
Full Article
Monday, November 03, 2014
Razer Horseshoes Offer Technologically Advanced Alternative to Tradition Shoes
Razerhorse 5246 Hwy 377, Suite 7
Aubrey, Texas 76227 Toll Free: 855-95-RAZER
Razer horseshoes provide the best of both worlds: the natural function of being barefoot and the support and protection of being shod. Razer shoes were crafted from tempered tool steel so they will flex like a bare foot, unlike traditional steel or aluminum shoes which lock the foot in place. Through science and technology, Razerhorse has manufactured Razer shoes to include many unique features and benefits.
Razer Benefits:
- Reduced strain on limbs and joints
- Increased balance and confidence
- Enhanced traction with a smooth glide upon landing
- Stronger and lighter than a traditional steel shoe
- Lower profile provides more frog contact
Because of these unique qualities, most horses are able to reach their highest performance potential.
“I love this shoe and it’s been my best kept secret,” says Fallon Taylor, 5-time qualifier for the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo. “Babyflo has been giving me her everything, so I’m getting much more out of my horse now. She’s a lot more confident and the ground is not as much of a factor anymore. It makes me a lot more confident to run in there and really give it my 110% also.”
Razer shoes were designed in Sweden for Standardbred harness racing, and have gained popularity in barrel racing since coming to the U.S. nearly two years ago. Their use is quickly expanding into a variety of disciplines including mounted shooting, roping, cutting, eventing, hunter/jumper, trail riding and more!
About Razerhorse
Razerhorse is a hoof care company that promotes better health and performance through science and technology. Razerhorse products are designed to mimic the natural function of the hoof while offering the protection needed for performance horses. Razerhorse currently offers two products: the Razer horseshoe and Propad. To learn more about Razer shoes and Propads or to find a dealer near you, visit or call 855-95-RAZER.
Press Contact: Deb Fairman
Razerhorse 5246 Hwy 377, Suite 7
Aubrey, Texas 76227 Toll Free: 855-95-RAZER
Razer horseshoes provide the best of both worlds: the natural function of being barefoot and the support and protection of being shod. Razer shoes were crafted from tempered tool steel so they will flex like a bare foot, unlike traditional steel or aluminum shoes which lock the foot in place. Through science and technology, Razerhorse has manufactured Razer shoes to include many unique features and benefits.
Razer Benefits:
- Reduced strain on limbs and joints
- Increased balance and confidence
- Enhanced traction with a smooth glide upon landing
- Stronger and lighter than a traditional steel shoe
- Lower profile provides more frog contact
Because of these unique qualities, most horses are able to reach their highest performance potential.
“I love this shoe and it’s been my best kept secret,” says Fallon Taylor, 5-time qualifier for the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo. “Babyflo has been giving me her everything, so I’m getting much more out of my horse now. She’s a lot more confident and the ground is not as much of a factor anymore. It makes me a lot more confident to run in there and really give it my 110% also.”
Razer shoes were designed in Sweden for Standardbred harness racing, and have gained popularity in barrel racing since coming to the U.S. nearly two years ago. Their use is quickly expanding into a variety of disciplines including mounted shooting, roping, cutting, eventing, hunter/jumper, trail riding and more!
About Razerhorse
Razerhorse is a hoof care company that promotes better health and performance through science and technology. Razerhorse products are designed to mimic the natural function of the hoof while offering the protection needed for performance horses. Razerhorse currently offers two products: the Razer horseshoe and Propad. To learn more about Razer shoes and Propads or to find a dealer near you, visit or call 855-95-RAZER.
Press Contact: Deb Fairman
Myths About Hay Selection - Full Article
By University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food, and Environment
Oct 24, 2014
Horse owners are often described as “picky, fussy, or difficult” when it comes to hay selection. This is not surprising since many horses are either very valuable or viewed as part of the family.
However, a lack of knowledge regarding quality hay selection is what gives horse owners a bad name and forces us to pay more for hay than our neighbors with other types of livestock do. Myths often develop from a tiny bit of truth that gets inflated over time. To improve our collective knowledge about hay selection, we've debunked the following common myths about hay:...
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By University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food, and Environment
Oct 24, 2014
Horse owners are often described as “picky, fussy, or difficult” when it comes to hay selection. This is not surprising since many horses are either very valuable or viewed as part of the family.
However, a lack of knowledge regarding quality hay selection is what gives horse owners a bad name and forces us to pay more for hay than our neighbors with other types of livestock do. Myths often develop from a tiny bit of truth that gets inflated over time. To improve our collective knowledge about hay selection, we've debunked the following common myths about hay:...
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