Enduranceintrospection.com - Full Story
By Patti Stedman | November 29th, 2013
It concerns me sometimes that we’ve made success in our sport seem like some unattainable thing, requiring hours and hours of ceaseless daily conditioning over mountains at a gallop with a heart rate monitor and reverse splits and seven gazillion supplements.
It’s just not that complicated.
You take:
• One sound horse (this is a deal breaker — our veterinarian judges will not let you start a ride with a horse with a “hitch in his giddyup”)
• Saddle and tack and clothes that fit both you and the horse well (doesn’t have to be fancy or endurance tack – whatever works!)
• Some time to do some “legging up” of your horse, some short rides, some longer rides, so that you and the horse can happily do a 15 or so mile ride a few weekends before the competition in about 2 and a half hours and both feel pretty happy and comfortable at the end (no swollen legs, no hang dog look, no sore back)
• A little effort to TRAIN your horse so that it can pass and be passed on the trail, be around other horses on the same trail without going totally bananas, stop without being run into a tree, able to deal with reasonable trail obstacles safely, to eat and drink and rest when he is given an opportunity to do so, and to pace at the pace that YOU would like to go (since he’s a herd animal and will likely try to run as fast as the rest of the escaping herd unless you TRAIN him that you pick the pace and he won’t die as a result),
• Practice time learning to camp safely, and
• Getting familiar with AERC rules, which can be found, along with a plethora of other “getting started” information at www.aerc.org
Them’s the basics. Let’s Keep It Simple, Silly, shall we?...
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Saturday, November 30, 2013
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
To Protect Your Horses, Use ICE
Lexington, KY (Sept. 6, 2005) – Say you’re traveling with your Horses and are involved in a serious accident. If you’re incapacitated, how will first responders know who to contact? How will they know what to do with your Horses?
USRider is advising horse owners of a new initiative that has been receiving a lot of publicity recently – ICE, which stands for In Case of Emergency. This very simple program has been designed to aid emergency responders in identifying victims whose identity is unknown and in determining who needs to be notified.
USRider is a nationwide roadside assistance plan created especially for equestrians. It includes standard features such as flat-tire repair, battery assistance and lockout services, plus towing up to 100 miles and roadside repairs for tow vehicles and trailers with Horses, emergency stabling, veterinary and farrier referrals, and more.
Implementing ICE is easy. Program your emergency contact information into your cellular phone and designate it with the acronym ICE. For example, if your brother John is the person you want to have alerted in the event of an emergency, insert the letters “ICE” before his name in your phone’s address book, creating an entry such as "ICE – John."
For those who regularly travel with Horses, it’s important to make it easy for first responders to know who to contact for information on handling your Horses. To do this, program an entry called "ICE – Horse" with the contact information of someone with the authority to make decisions about the care of your Horses if you are incapacitated.
The idea for ICE was conceived by Bob Brotchie, a clinical team leader for the East Anglian Ambulance Service, after years of trying to reach relatives of people he was treating. With ICE, paramedics or police can swiftly find the number or numbers and reach relatives or friends who could help identify deceased victims and treat injured ones, by providing vital personal information, including details of any medical conditions.
USRider strongly encourages the public, especially those who travel with Horses, to participate in the ICE initiative.
"This is a simple way to ensure that emergency, ambulance and hospital staff can quickly find out who your next of kin are and be able to contact them,” said Mark Cole, managing member of USRider. “In addition, those people could provide pertinent information about your Horses in the event of an emergency."
Before putting someone's name in as an emergency contact, be sure to discuss it with the person first and ask for permission to do so.
"While we recommend that USRider Members carry their USRider Membership at all times, we would like to recommend that they use their cellular phones to program the emergency contact number and membership ID number on their card into their cellular telephone as well, such as 'USRider-800#' and 'USRider-ID#' – so they have it in an emergency."
In conjunction with these recommendations, USRider recommends that conscientious horse owners prepare a limited/special power of attorney document relating to any treatment and care of their Horses in the event that the owner is incapacitated. A sample power-of-attorney form is available online at www.usrider.org.
"While these are not pleasant subjects," said Cole, "this is part of good animal stewardship, and conscientious horse owners should take steps to see that their Horses are properly cared for in an emergency."
An additional safety precaution is to secure emergency contact information to your horse trailer. USRider has created exterior emergency decals and interior information placards that are included at no extra cost in the USRider membership kit. Non-Members can request copies of these decals from the USRider website by entering the site’s guest book.
For more information about USRider, call toll-free (800) 844-1409 or visit www.usrider.org.
Lexington, KY (Sept. 6, 2005) – Say you’re traveling with your Horses and are involved in a serious accident. If you’re incapacitated, how will first responders know who to contact? How will they know what to do with your Horses?
USRider is advising horse owners of a new initiative that has been receiving a lot of publicity recently – ICE, which stands for In Case of Emergency. This very simple program has been designed to aid emergency responders in identifying victims whose identity is unknown and in determining who needs to be notified.
USRider is a nationwide roadside assistance plan created especially for equestrians. It includes standard features such as flat-tire repair, battery assistance and lockout services, plus towing up to 100 miles and roadside repairs for tow vehicles and trailers with Horses, emergency stabling, veterinary and farrier referrals, and more.
Implementing ICE is easy. Program your emergency contact information into your cellular phone and designate it with the acronym ICE. For example, if your brother John is the person you want to have alerted in the event of an emergency, insert the letters “ICE” before his name in your phone’s address book, creating an entry such as "ICE – John."
For those who regularly travel with Horses, it’s important to make it easy for first responders to know who to contact for information on handling your Horses. To do this, program an entry called "ICE – Horse" with the contact information of someone with the authority to make decisions about the care of your Horses if you are incapacitated.
The idea for ICE was conceived by Bob Brotchie, a clinical team leader for the East Anglian Ambulance Service, after years of trying to reach relatives of people he was treating. With ICE, paramedics or police can swiftly find the number or numbers and reach relatives or friends who could help identify deceased victims and treat injured ones, by providing vital personal information, including details of any medical conditions.
USRider strongly encourages the public, especially those who travel with Horses, to participate in the ICE initiative.
"This is a simple way to ensure that emergency, ambulance and hospital staff can quickly find out who your next of kin are and be able to contact them,” said Mark Cole, managing member of USRider. “In addition, those people could provide pertinent information about your Horses in the event of an emergency."
Before putting someone's name in as an emergency contact, be sure to discuss it with the person first and ask for permission to do so.
"While we recommend that USRider Members carry their USRider Membership at all times, we would like to recommend that they use their cellular phones to program the emergency contact number and membership ID number on their card into their cellular telephone as well, such as 'USRider-800#' and 'USRider-ID#' – so they have it in an emergency."
In conjunction with these recommendations, USRider recommends that conscientious horse owners prepare a limited/special power of attorney document relating to any treatment and care of their Horses in the event that the owner is incapacitated. A sample power-of-attorney form is available online at www.usrider.org.
"While these are not pleasant subjects," said Cole, "this is part of good animal stewardship, and conscientious horse owners should take steps to see that their Horses are properly cared for in an emergency."
An additional safety precaution is to secure emergency contact information to your horse trailer. USRider has created exterior emergency decals and interior information placards that are included at no extra cost in the USRider membership kit. Non-Members can request copies of these decals from the USRider website by entering the site’s guest book.
For more information about USRider, call toll-free (800) 844-1409 or visit www.usrider.org.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Winter-Driving Safety Guide
Equisearch.com - Full Article
By Courtesy of USRider Equestrian Motor Plan
Hauling your horse this winter? Don’t leave home without this quick-reference guide to winter driving.
This winter maintain your trailer, and follow these winter-driving tips from USRider.
• Go slow. Follow this rule of thumb: "rain, ice, and snow--take it slow." Slow down even more when approaching curves, ramps, bridges, and interchanges. Avoid abrupt actions, such as quick lane changes, braking, and accelerating.
• Check the weather. Before setting out on a trip, check weather reports, and plan accordingly. In many states, you can dial 5-1-1 for travel conditions and road closures. Allow extra time for inclement weather. Be aware of changing conditions. Look ahead, and keep track of the driving conditions in front of you. Actions by other drivers can alert you to problems and give you time to react. Look out for black ice, which is hard to see.
• Don't become overconfident. Don't be susceptible to the false security of four-wheel drive. While four-wheel drive may help you go, but it won't help you stop...
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By Courtesy of USRider Equestrian Motor Plan
Hauling your horse this winter? Don’t leave home without this quick-reference guide to winter driving.
This winter maintain your trailer, and follow these winter-driving tips from USRider.
• Go slow. Follow this rule of thumb: "rain, ice, and snow--take it slow." Slow down even more when approaching curves, ramps, bridges, and interchanges. Avoid abrupt actions, such as quick lane changes, braking, and accelerating.
• Check the weather. Before setting out on a trip, check weather reports, and plan accordingly. In many states, you can dial 5-1-1 for travel conditions and road closures. Allow extra time for inclement weather. Be aware of changing conditions. Look ahead, and keep track of the driving conditions in front of you. Actions by other drivers can alert you to problems and give you time to react. Look out for black ice, which is hard to see.
• Don't become overconfident. Don't be susceptible to the false security of four-wheel drive. While four-wheel drive may help you go, but it won't help you stop...
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Reparixin: The Future of Laminitis Treatment?
Thehorse.com - Full Article
By Alexandra Beckstett, The Horse Managing Editor
Nov 19, 2013
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such phenylbutazone, flunixin meglumine, and ketoprofen—these are all common drugs when it comes to managing inflammation in horses. Each has its advantages and disadvantages though, and when trying to block the inflammatory response in horses with laminitis there is no gold standard treatment. But what if a new drug, from an entirely untapped class, got thrown into the mix?...
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By Alexandra Beckstett, The Horse Managing Editor
Nov 19, 2013
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such phenylbutazone, flunixin meglumine, and ketoprofen—these are all common drugs when it comes to managing inflammation in horses. Each has its advantages and disadvantages though, and when trying to block the inflammatory response in horses with laminitis there is no gold standard treatment. But what if a new drug, from an entirely untapped class, got thrown into the mix?...
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Sunday, November 24, 2013
Feed Management to Minimize the Risk of Impaction in Horses
KER.Equinews.com - Full Article
By Kentucky Equine Research Staff · November 8, 2013
Winter, with its icy water sources and lowered equine activity levels, is one of the riskiest times for horses that tend to develop intestinal impaction. Fresh grass has been replaced in the diet by dry hay; horses tend to drink less when offered very cold water; and with a break in regular training and exercise, they may not sweat enough to feel thirsty. These are all contributing factors to impaction colic because they are all conducive to slower movement of ingested material through the digestive tract.
Regular intake of suitable forage, adequate chewing and moistening of this forage with saliva, and proper hydration status are important in preventing impaction. Exercise also encourages movement of ingested material. Horse owners need to be sure they are carrying out management steps to help their horses avoid problems...
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By Kentucky Equine Research Staff · November 8, 2013
Winter, with its icy water sources and lowered equine activity levels, is one of the riskiest times for horses that tend to develop intestinal impaction. Fresh grass has been replaced in the diet by dry hay; horses tend to drink less when offered very cold water; and with a break in regular training and exercise, they may not sweat enough to feel thirsty. These are all contributing factors to impaction colic because they are all conducive to slower movement of ingested material through the digestive tract.
Regular intake of suitable forage, adequate chewing and moistening of this forage with saliva, and proper hydration status are important in preventing impaction. Exercise also encourages movement of ingested material. Horse owners need to be sure they are carrying out management steps to help their horses avoid problems...
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Saturday, November 23, 2013
Back Country Horsemen of America Gets the Job Done with Low Impact on the Land
November 17, 2013
Peg Greiwe
Back Country Horsemen of America Gets the Job Done with Low Impact on the Land
by Sarah Wynne Jackson
Back Country Horsemen of America cherishes our wild lands and they make sure that everything they do has the lowest impact possible on the land and the environment. That’s one reason they love horses and mules. Horse power is irreplaceable in the many public lands where motorized use is prohibited, such as the Bass Lake area in the Sierra National Forest, and the Idaho Panhandle National Forests where the endangered woodland caribou makes a last stand.
These precious places need protecting, but our enjoyment of these areas necessitates occasional trail improvements. The predicament is easily solved with the use of the original horse power.
Re-Furnishing an Historic Structure
The Selkirk Valley Chapter of Back Country Horsemen of Idaho recently used horses and mules to complete two packing assignments for the US Forest Service in the Idaho Panhandle National Forests, without once violating the “no motorized use” rule.
West Fork Cabin, an historic reconstructed smoke-jumpers’ cabin, sits in a small meadow about a mile and a half from a forest service road. Originally built in 1931, it is open to the public for shelter and overnight stays. Because it sees heavy use, many things needed to be replaced.
Members of the Selkirk Valley Chapter of BCHI gathered at the trailhead and secured the awkward items on their pack stock. One pack animal carried a 150 pound wood stove and 150 pounds of water on the other side to even out the load. Another carried bunk bed frames, while two others were loaded with three mattresses. The last carried a variety of miscellaneous items.
When the motley-looking crew arrived at West Fork Cabin, the surprised resident campers helped Selkirk Valley BCH replace the old items with the new. After a brief visit, they packed the horses and mules with the old items and returned to the trailhead, accomplishing an essential job with a minimum impact on the land.
In the Name of Science
When the Sandpoint Ranger District in the Idaho Panhandle National Forests received a grant to conduct a study on white bark pine on Keno Mountain, they asked the Selkirk Valley Chapter of Back Country Horsemen of Idaho to pack in and out the necessary equipment. In July, they packed all the gear to the top of Keno Mountain. After equipment was put in place to harvest pinecone seeds in the trees, Selkirk Valley BCH packed the gear out. After the harvest, they will repeat the process to bring down the equipment and harvested seeds.
The Selkirk Valley Chapter of Back Country Horsemen of Idaho look forward to doing whatever they can to maintain local forests. They clear trails, tidy trailheads, assist with scientific studies, and pack in and out a wide variety of equipment and materials using the original horse power, which treads lightly on the land.
Having a Blast
Partnering with the Bass Lake Ranger District, the Sierra Freepackers Chapter of Back Country Horsemen of California repaired a section of the Spring Cove Trail at Bass Lake in the Sierra National Forest. Their goal was to bring it up to acceptable standards by widening the trail, which required blasting out some rock that made the trail unsafe for horses.
The Sierra Freepackers used mules to pack in a variety of equipment needed for the project including a specialized pionjar drill, Boulder Busters, and hand tools. The pionjar is a versatile gas powered tool used to drill holes in the rock. Water was added for expansion and the Boulder Buster inserted. A mat was placed over the blast holes for safety and to keep flying debris to a minimum. As rock was broken up, BCHC members cleared the pieces from the trail.
After the project was completed, two BCHC members came back a couple of days later and rode the trail with some novice riders to evaluate the work from horseback. Thanks to the hard work of the Sierra Freepackers and their low impact horse power, the trail was successfully improved without causing damage to the surrounding land.
About Back Country Horsemen of America
BCHA is a non-profit corporation made up of state organizations, affiliates, and at-large members. Their efforts have brought about positive changes regarding the use of horses and stock in the wilderness and public lands.
If you want to know more about Back Country Horsemen of America or become a member, visit their website: www.backcountryhorse.com; call 888-893-5161; or write PO Box 1367, Graham, WA 98338-1367. The future of horse use on public lands is in our hands!
Peg Greiwe
Back Country Horsemen of America Gets the Job Done with Low Impact on the Land
by Sarah Wynne Jackson
Back Country Horsemen of America cherishes our wild lands and they make sure that everything they do has the lowest impact possible on the land and the environment. That’s one reason they love horses and mules. Horse power is irreplaceable in the many public lands where motorized use is prohibited, such as the Bass Lake area in the Sierra National Forest, and the Idaho Panhandle National Forests where the endangered woodland caribou makes a last stand.
These precious places need protecting, but our enjoyment of these areas necessitates occasional trail improvements. The predicament is easily solved with the use of the original horse power.
Re-Furnishing an Historic Structure
The Selkirk Valley Chapter of Back Country Horsemen of Idaho recently used horses and mules to complete two packing assignments for the US Forest Service in the Idaho Panhandle National Forests, without once violating the “no motorized use” rule.
West Fork Cabin, an historic reconstructed smoke-jumpers’ cabin, sits in a small meadow about a mile and a half from a forest service road. Originally built in 1931, it is open to the public for shelter and overnight stays. Because it sees heavy use, many things needed to be replaced.
Members of the Selkirk Valley Chapter of BCHI gathered at the trailhead and secured the awkward items on their pack stock. One pack animal carried a 150 pound wood stove and 150 pounds of water on the other side to even out the load. Another carried bunk bed frames, while two others were loaded with three mattresses. The last carried a variety of miscellaneous items.
When the motley-looking crew arrived at West Fork Cabin, the surprised resident campers helped Selkirk Valley BCH replace the old items with the new. After a brief visit, they packed the horses and mules with the old items and returned to the trailhead, accomplishing an essential job with a minimum impact on the land.
In the Name of Science
When the Sandpoint Ranger District in the Idaho Panhandle National Forests received a grant to conduct a study on white bark pine on Keno Mountain, they asked the Selkirk Valley Chapter of Back Country Horsemen of Idaho to pack in and out the necessary equipment. In July, they packed all the gear to the top of Keno Mountain. After equipment was put in place to harvest pinecone seeds in the trees, Selkirk Valley BCH packed the gear out. After the harvest, they will repeat the process to bring down the equipment and harvested seeds.
The Selkirk Valley Chapter of Back Country Horsemen of Idaho look forward to doing whatever they can to maintain local forests. They clear trails, tidy trailheads, assist with scientific studies, and pack in and out a wide variety of equipment and materials using the original horse power, which treads lightly on the land.
Having a Blast
Partnering with the Bass Lake Ranger District, the Sierra Freepackers Chapter of Back Country Horsemen of California repaired a section of the Spring Cove Trail at Bass Lake in the Sierra National Forest. Their goal was to bring it up to acceptable standards by widening the trail, which required blasting out some rock that made the trail unsafe for horses.
The Sierra Freepackers used mules to pack in a variety of equipment needed for the project including a specialized pionjar drill, Boulder Busters, and hand tools. The pionjar is a versatile gas powered tool used to drill holes in the rock. Water was added for expansion and the Boulder Buster inserted. A mat was placed over the blast holes for safety and to keep flying debris to a minimum. As rock was broken up, BCHC members cleared the pieces from the trail.
After the project was completed, two BCHC members came back a couple of days later and rode the trail with some novice riders to evaluate the work from horseback. Thanks to the hard work of the Sierra Freepackers and their low impact horse power, the trail was successfully improved without causing damage to the surrounding land.
About Back Country Horsemen of America
BCHA is a non-profit corporation made up of state organizations, affiliates, and at-large members. Their efforts have brought about positive changes regarding the use of horses and stock in the wilderness and public lands.
If you want to know more about Back Country Horsemen of America or become a member, visit their website: www.backcountryhorse.com; call 888-893-5161; or write PO Box 1367, Graham, WA 98338-1367. The future of horse use on public lands is in our hands!
Friday, November 22, 2013
To Blanket or Not to Blanket? A Good Cold-Weather Question
Thehorse.com - Full Article
By Luke Bass, DVM, MS
Nov 15, 2013
The chilly months from late fall to early spring are generally a time of slowed activity for horse and rider, but attentiveness to horse health and management is just as crucial during the cold season. As an equine veterinarian, I’m often asked about blanketing during the cold months.
Primary considerations in horse blanketing are hair coat and environmental temperature. Here is some information that will assist you in making the right blanketing decision for your horse...
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By Luke Bass, DVM, MS
Nov 15, 2013
The chilly months from late fall to early spring are generally a time of slowed activity for horse and rider, but attentiveness to horse health and management is just as crucial during the cold season. As an equine veterinarian, I’m often asked about blanketing during the cold months.
Primary considerations in horse blanketing are hair coat and environmental temperature. Here is some information that will assist you in making the right blanketing decision for your horse...
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Thursday, November 21, 2013
Great Britain: Crocs for horses: Plastic slip-on hooves that making nailing horseshoes a thing of the past

• Designer John Wright came up with the new GluShu design
• A traditional horseshoe is coated with comfortable plastic
• Instead of nails, the shoe is glued on to the horse's hoof
PUBLISHED: 12:32 EST, 4 March 2013
A revolutionary slip-on plastic coated hoof that doubles as an equine fashion accessory could spell the end for nailing on horseshoes.
An equestrian designer came up with the 'GluShu', which uses a traditional metal horseshoe that is coated in a durable thick plastic covering and glued to the animal's foot rather than nailed.
The coating offers the horse more cushioning and offers an easier alternative to the traditional method of fitting shoes.
But not only are they easier to fit and more comfortable for the horse, the shoes could become something of an equine fashion accessory as they come in a variety colours including neon pink and grey and look like the popular plastic sandals Crocs.
The new shoes were designed by John Wright with the help of GB Olympic equestrian team farrier Jeffrey Newnham.
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Wednesday, November 20, 2013
“Two-Gun” Nan Aspinwall: An American Cowgirl

by Anita Lequoia
Campfire Chronicle - True Stories of the American West
While much of the U.S. is sitting around lamenting the fact that we don’t get the next season of “Downton Abbey” until January, I thought it would be fun to explore the life of a different sort of lady. These days, Nan Aspinwall and her horse, Lady Ellen, may not be as familiar to most people as the Dowager Countess and her granddaughter, Lady Edith, but believe you me, Nan’s story doesn’t disappoint!
Nan Jeanne Aspinwall was born in Nebraska in 1880, but she was not your typical female of the day (or any day, for that matter). She was not a gal to be satisfied working on her quilt squares or doing other “proper” womanly things. Instead, she honed her skills as a sharpshooter, archer, trick roper, stunt rider and bull rider. But that’s not all...
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Saturday, November 16, 2013
Managing the Club Foot
Thehorse.com - Full Article
By Nancy S. Loving, DVM
Nov 07, 2013
A horse with slightly asymmetrical feet is nothing out of the ordinary. But if one hoof differs dramatically from the other, you might be dealing with a club foot—an abnormally upright hoof with long, contracted heels and a prominent or bulging coronary band. Because shortening of the musculotendinous unit (the deep digital flexor muscle and tendon) causes this syndrome, it is more accurate to describe a club foot as a "flexural deformity" of the coffin joint. And while a deformity might sound like a career-ending flaw, with proper management affected horses can lead very comfortable and even athletic lives...
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By Nancy S. Loving, DVM
Nov 07, 2013
A horse with slightly asymmetrical feet is nothing out of the ordinary. But if one hoof differs dramatically from the other, you might be dealing with a club foot—an abnormally upright hoof with long, contracted heels and a prominent or bulging coronary band. Because shortening of the musculotendinous unit (the deep digital flexor muscle and tendon) causes this syndrome, it is more accurate to describe a club foot as a "flexural deformity" of the coffin joint. And while a deformity might sound like a career-ending flaw, with proper management affected horses can lead very comfortable and even athletic lives...
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Friday, November 15, 2013
N.M. Horse Processing Plant On Hold Again
Thehorse.com - Full Article
By Pat Raia
Nov 05, 2013
Just days after a federal judge threw out a lawsuit seeking to halt horse processing in New Mexico, a new order handed down by a Denver, Colo., appeals court has barred the USDA from carrying out inspections at U.S. horse slaughter plants.
Horse slaughter has not taken place in the United States since 2007 when a combination of court rulings and legislation shuttered the last domestic equine processing plants. Prior to 2007, USDA personnel carried out inspections at horse processing plants until Congress voted to strip the USDA of funds to pay personnel conducting those federal inspections. In 2011, legislation reinstated USDA funding for horse processing plants in the United States and, in June 2013, Valley Meats Co. LLC in Roswell, N.M., received a Food Safety Inspection Services (FSIS) permit, which allows placement of personnel at the plant to carry out horsemeat inspections...
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By Pat Raia
Nov 05, 2013
Just days after a federal judge threw out a lawsuit seeking to halt horse processing in New Mexico, a new order handed down by a Denver, Colo., appeals court has barred the USDA from carrying out inspections at U.S. horse slaughter plants.
Horse slaughter has not taken place in the United States since 2007 when a combination of court rulings and legislation shuttered the last domestic equine processing plants. Prior to 2007, USDA personnel carried out inspections at horse processing plants until Congress voted to strip the USDA of funds to pay personnel conducting those federal inspections. In 2011, legislation reinstated USDA funding for horse processing plants in the United States and, in June 2013, Valley Meats Co. LLC in Roswell, N.M., received a Food Safety Inspection Services (FSIS) permit, which allows placement of personnel at the plant to carry out horsemeat inspections...
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Breeders' Cup Drug Tests Come Back Clean
Thehorse.com - Full Article
By The Blood-Horse Staff
Nov 05, 2013
he California Horse Racing Board (CHRB) said Nov. 4 all urine and blood samples collected from horses in the Breeders' Cup World Championships Nov. 1-2 at Santa Anita Park, in Arcadia, Calif., have tested negative.
Testing was performed at the Kenneth L. Maddy Equine Analytical Laboratory at the University of California, Davis.
Under standard protocol in California, all horses that raced in the Breeders' Cup were pre-race tested for TCO2 levels in blood. Post-racing tests were performed on urine and blood samples from the first four finishers in all 14 Cup races; additional horses were tested randomly at the discretion of the stewards...
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By The Blood-Horse Staff
Nov 05, 2013
he California Horse Racing Board (CHRB) said Nov. 4 all urine and blood samples collected from horses in the Breeders' Cup World Championships Nov. 1-2 at Santa Anita Park, in Arcadia, Calif., have tested negative.
Testing was performed at the Kenneth L. Maddy Equine Analytical Laboratory at the University of California, Davis.
Under standard protocol in California, all horses that raced in the Breeders' Cup were pre-race tested for TCO2 levels in blood. Post-racing tests were performed on urine and blood samples from the first four finishers in all 14 Cup races; additional horses were tested randomly at the discretion of the stewards...
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Thursday, November 14, 2013
Selling a Horse on Trial: 10 Tips to Lower Your Risk
Thehorse.com Blog - Full Article
November 1 2013
In certain segments of the horse industry, it is fairly common for the buyer to take a horse home (or to a trainer’s) and try the horse out before making a final decision. Frequently, the buyer will also have a vet check performed during this trial period. Trial periods benefit the buyer by providing them with an opportunity to thoroughly evaluate a horse prior to purchase. Offering a trial period can often help the seller complete a sale.
However, trial periods can be fraught with problems...
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November 1 2013
In certain segments of the horse industry, it is fairly common for the buyer to take a horse home (or to a trainer’s) and try the horse out before making a final decision. Frequently, the buyer will also have a vet check performed during this trial period. Trial periods benefit the buyer by providing them with an opportunity to thoroughly evaluate a horse prior to purchase. Offering a trial period can often help the seller complete a sale.
However, trial periods can be fraught with problems...
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Using Hay Replacers for Horses
Thehorse.com - Full Article
By Emily Lamprecht, PhD
Nov 10, 2013
When times of severe drought or other weather phenomenon result in poor quality or availability of pastures and hay, horse owners often turn to complete feeds (those that contain a full diet of roughage, protein, vitamins, minerals, and other needed nutrients) or hay stretchers/replacers (designed to replace the fiber component of the hay/pasture that is no longer available).
These products can be extremely useful to horse owners to help them through the tough hay times, but they do come with some usage guidelines to keep horses happy and healthy...
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By Emily Lamprecht, PhD
Nov 10, 2013
When times of severe drought or other weather phenomenon result in poor quality or availability of pastures and hay, horse owners often turn to complete feeds (those that contain a full diet of roughage, protein, vitamins, minerals, and other needed nutrients) or hay stretchers/replacers (designed to replace the fiber component of the hay/pasture that is no longer available).
These products can be extremely useful to horse owners to help them through the tough hay times, but they do come with some usage guidelines to keep horses happy and healthy...
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Monday, November 11, 2013
Rescue Horses and Veterans: A Good Fit
Media Contact: Cindy Gendron: 757-932-0394; cindy@homesforhorses.org
Rescue Horses and Veterans: A Good Fit
Homes for Horses Coalition Members Provide Programs that Meet the Needs of Both Horses and Humans
On this Veterans’ Day, The Homes for Horses Coalition salutes both our veterans, and our members that are helping them to reclaim their lives, as they give new life to horses in need. The entire mission of member organization Horses4Heroes is focused on serving military heroes and their families. Through Operation Free Ride, thousands of military men, women and their children have registered for and/or received free horseback rides at host facilities from coast to coast. In addition to recreational programs for military families, Horses4Heroes offers therapeutic programs to veterans such as Back in the Saddle, a four-week empowerment workshop, and Unfinished Business, a program for veterans with PTSD and others who need to say “good-bye,” get over a loss or difficult situation. Wherever and whenever possible, Horses4Heroes uses rescue horses in these programs.
At Zuma’s Rescue Ranch, the ZEAL Program combines Animal Assisted Coaching and Experiential Learning to help veterans rebuild trust and confidence, as well as, refocus their attention to giving to the horses while healing their broken minds and bodies. “The skill developed working through life’s challenges with equine therapy partners is one that cannot compare to traditional educational models, says Jodi Messenich, Executive Director of Zuma’s. “The partnering with horses once destined for slaughter brings a level of compassion coupled with a desire to help another being. Those life lessons are creating compassionate hard working young men and women to lead our next generation.”
The Soldier Buddies program at Riding Star Ranch matches returning military soldiers and military veterans with at-risk youth between the ages of 12-22. The military veterans serve as positive role models and help instill morals, character, and essential life skills to their young "Buddies". Together, the Soldier Buddies care for a program horse including learning how to ride, and even how to drive, in the structured equine-assisted environment. The human benefits of the program include learning responsibility, compassion, self-esteem, trust and teamwork among other social and life skills. The horses involved in the program benefit from the socialization and retraining while receiving loving, hands-on care from the Soldier Buddies. These aspects are vital to the re-homing and adoption of the rescue horses.
Cindy Gendron, The Homes for Horses Coalition Coordinator, says “These are just a few of our members that have witnessed the symbiotic relationship that rescue horses can have with humans that need healing. It’s an honor to observe how these and other members are helping veterans face unique challenges by allowing them to bond with horses facing their own.”
About The Homes for Horses Coalition
The Homes for Horses Coalition is supported by the ASPCA (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®), the Animal Welfare Institute and The Humane Society of the United States’, Jeannie Dodson Equine Protection Fund. It is dedicated to ending horse slaughter and other forms of equine abuse, while promoting growth, collaboration and professionalism in the equine rescue and protection community. Find us online at www.homesforhorses.org and on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/#!/HomesforHorses.
Media Contact: Cindy Gendron: 757-932-0394; cindy@homesforhorses.org
Rescue Horses and Veterans: A Good Fit
Homes for Horses Coalition Members Provide Programs that Meet the Needs of Both Horses and Humans
On this Veterans’ Day, The Homes for Horses Coalition salutes both our veterans, and our members that are helping them to reclaim their lives, as they give new life to horses in need. The entire mission of member organization Horses4Heroes is focused on serving military heroes and their families. Through Operation Free Ride, thousands of military men, women and their children have registered for and/or received free horseback rides at host facilities from coast to coast. In addition to recreational programs for military families, Horses4Heroes offers therapeutic programs to veterans such as Back in the Saddle, a four-week empowerment workshop, and Unfinished Business, a program for veterans with PTSD and others who need to say “good-bye,” get over a loss or difficult situation. Wherever and whenever possible, Horses4Heroes uses rescue horses in these programs.
At Zuma’s Rescue Ranch, the ZEAL Program combines Animal Assisted Coaching and Experiential Learning to help veterans rebuild trust and confidence, as well as, refocus their attention to giving to the horses while healing their broken minds and bodies. “The skill developed working through life’s challenges with equine therapy partners is one that cannot compare to traditional educational models, says Jodi Messenich, Executive Director of Zuma’s. “The partnering with horses once destined for slaughter brings a level of compassion coupled with a desire to help another being. Those life lessons are creating compassionate hard working young men and women to lead our next generation.”
The Soldier Buddies program at Riding Star Ranch matches returning military soldiers and military veterans with at-risk youth between the ages of 12-22. The military veterans serve as positive role models and help instill morals, character, and essential life skills to their young "Buddies". Together, the Soldier Buddies care for a program horse including learning how to ride, and even how to drive, in the structured equine-assisted environment. The human benefits of the program include learning responsibility, compassion, self-esteem, trust and teamwork among other social and life skills. The horses involved in the program benefit from the socialization and retraining while receiving loving, hands-on care from the Soldier Buddies. These aspects are vital to the re-homing and adoption of the rescue horses.
Cindy Gendron, The Homes for Horses Coalition Coordinator, says “These are just a few of our members that have witnessed the symbiotic relationship that rescue horses can have with humans that need healing. It’s an honor to observe how these and other members are helping veterans face unique challenges by allowing them to bond with horses facing their own.”
About The Homes for Horses Coalition
The Homes for Horses Coalition is supported by the ASPCA (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®), the Animal Welfare Institute and The Humane Society of the United States’, Jeannie Dodson Equine Protection Fund. It is dedicated to ending horse slaughter and other forms of equine abuse, while promoting growth, collaboration and professionalism in the equine rescue and protection community. Find us online at www.homesforhorses.org and on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/#!/HomesforHorses.
Anatomy Anyone?

Monday, October 28, 2013 by Guest HCP
As people who care for horse’s hooves, it behooves us to know as much as possible about this structure. Yes – pun intended. We as horsemen need to understand how the entire leg is made and how it all works together. I know we have seen many of the moving parts, either while we hold the hoof in our hands or while watching the horse move. But what do we really know about the hoof and the leg? We can read the books, practice on cadavers, do our homework but the learning process never ends.
While out riding I came across a scattered skeleton of a horse. Oh what an opportunity to study the bones. But amongst this was one intact front leg. Not only was the leg intact but the hoof capsule was still attached, complete with a shoe! Oh wow!...
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Swollen or Filled Legs: What’s Wrong With Your Horse?
KER.Equinews.com - Full Article
By Kentucky Equine Research Staff · November 21, 2011
Horses can rapidly develop swelling or “filling” in one or more legs. Is it serious? What causes it?
A common reason for filling is inactivity in a horse that is accustomed to moving around. An example might be a horse that is usually turned out in the pasture but has been kept in a stall overnight, maybe at a show or in preparation for an early ride the next day. The owner notices that the horse’s rear legs are puffy and swollen as he’s led out of the stall. The legs are not uncommonly warm, and the horse may move somewhat stiffly but is not truly lame. Caused by inactivity and reduced lymph flow, this “stocking up” is usually not serious and will dissipate as the horse is exercised. It’s more common in older horses and can affect all four legs, though stocking up is often seen only in the hind legs...
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By Kentucky Equine Research Staff · November 21, 2011
Horses can rapidly develop swelling or “filling” in one or more legs. Is it serious? What causes it?
A common reason for filling is inactivity in a horse that is accustomed to moving around. An example might be a horse that is usually turned out in the pasture but has been kept in a stall overnight, maybe at a show or in preparation for an early ride the next day. The owner notices that the horse’s rear legs are puffy and swollen as he’s led out of the stall. The legs are not uncommonly warm, and the horse may move somewhat stiffly but is not truly lame. Caused by inactivity and reduced lymph flow, this “stocking up” is usually not serious and will dissipate as the horse is exercised. It’s more common in older horses and can affect all four legs, though stocking up is often seen only in the hind legs...
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Sunday, November 10, 2013
Heart Murmurs Often Don’t Affect Performance in Horses
KER.Equinews.com - Full Article
By Kentucky Equine Research Staff · October 9, 2013
Abnormal sounds, known as murmurs, can sometimes be heard as a veterinarian listens to a horse’s heart. Owners who hear the words “heart murmur” may worry that their horses can’t be ridden or are in danger of dying. And would anyone buy a horse at a sale, knowing it had a heart murmur? Thankfully, though a heart murmur is not an uncommon finding on examination, the majority of horses are not troubled by this condition, and their sale prices and performance potential are often completely unaffected. However, some types of heart murmur signify serious problems, and a veterinarian will be able to determine how significant the condition is for a particular horse...
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By Kentucky Equine Research Staff · October 9, 2013
Abnormal sounds, known as murmurs, can sometimes be heard as a veterinarian listens to a horse’s heart. Owners who hear the words “heart murmur” may worry that their horses can’t be ridden or are in danger of dying. And would anyone buy a horse at a sale, knowing it had a heart murmur? Thankfully, though a heart murmur is not an uncommon finding on examination, the majority of horses are not troubled by this condition, and their sale prices and performance potential are often completely unaffected. However, some types of heart murmur signify serious problems, and a veterinarian will be able to determine how significant the condition is for a particular horse...
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Friday, November 08, 2013
How accurate is thermography of horses’ legs?
Equinescienceupdate.com - Full article
Infrared thermography is increasingly being applied to investigate the cause of lameness in horses. The equipment is easy to handle and the method is fast and safe, both for the animal and for the vet. But is it accurate?
Recent work by Simone Westermann at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna shows that the technique is surprisingly tolerant of variation in the position of the equipment, i.e. how far from the horse and at what angle to the animal the infrared camera is held. However, it is extremely important to ensure that the horse is not standing in a draught as even barely detectable wind speeds are sufficient to have a dramatic effect on the measurements.
Infrared thermography is increasingly being applied to investigate the cause of lameness in horses. The equipment is easy to handle and the method is fast and safe, both for the animal and for the vet. But is it accurate?
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Infrared thermography is increasingly being applied to investigate the cause of lameness in horses. The equipment is easy to handle and the method is fast and safe, both for the animal and for the vet. But is it accurate?
Recent work by Simone Westermann at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna shows that the technique is surprisingly tolerant of variation in the position of the equipment, i.e. how far from the horse and at what angle to the animal the infrared camera is held. However, it is extremely important to ensure that the horse is not standing in a draught as even barely detectable wind speeds are sufficient to have a dramatic effect on the measurements.
Infrared thermography is increasingly being applied to investigate the cause of lameness in horses. The equipment is easy to handle and the method is fast and safe, both for the animal and for the vet. But is it accurate?
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Are Drugs OK after the Expiration Date (and What Do I Do With Them)?
Doctorramey.com - Full Article
Posted on November 1, 2013 by DrRamey
Here’s something about which I get calls all the time.
You come out to the barn and you find that your horse has a bit of swollen leg. You think, “I think that I’ll give him a couple of tablets of bute,” because you think it might help with the soreness and swelling. You check your tack box for the drug. If you’re like me, your tack box is probably more like a time-capsule than it is an organized cabinet. Anyway, you dig through your tack box and finally find a bottle of bute under one of the assorted colors of leg bandages that you keep. You’re happy, but then you find that the stamped expiration date on the bottle says that the drug expired 18 months ago. What do you do? If you give your horse a couple tablets, will it work? Could it maybe even hurt your horse? Let’s look at some important questions.
1. Are Expired Drugs Safe?
Almost undoubtedly. There don’t seem to be any published reports of toxicity in people from drugs used after their expiration date, whether those drugs are injected, ingested, or put on the skin (there was one report, back in 1963, of damage to a person’s kidneys from an outdated antibiotic product, but that product isn’t available anymore, and it wasn’t the antibiotic that caused the problem). That does make some sense, I mean, it’s not like your horse’s bute pills are going to morph into some poison – or explode – at any time after they expire. So the expiration date doesn’t really mean that the medication has become unsafe to use. Most medical authorities state expired drugs are safe to take, even those that expired years ago.
2. What Does the Expiration Date Mean?...
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Posted on November 1, 2013 by DrRamey
Here’s something about which I get calls all the time.
You come out to the barn and you find that your horse has a bit of swollen leg. You think, “I think that I’ll give him a couple of tablets of bute,” because you think it might help with the soreness and swelling. You check your tack box for the drug. If you’re like me, your tack box is probably more like a time-capsule than it is an organized cabinet. Anyway, you dig through your tack box and finally find a bottle of bute under one of the assorted colors of leg bandages that you keep. You’re happy, but then you find that the stamped expiration date on the bottle says that the drug expired 18 months ago. What do you do? If you give your horse a couple tablets, will it work? Could it maybe even hurt your horse? Let’s look at some important questions.
1. Are Expired Drugs Safe?
Almost undoubtedly. There don’t seem to be any published reports of toxicity in people from drugs used after their expiration date, whether those drugs are injected, ingested, or put on the skin (there was one report, back in 1963, of damage to a person’s kidneys from an outdated antibiotic product, but that product isn’t available anymore, and it wasn’t the antibiotic that caused the problem). That does make some sense, I mean, it’s not like your horse’s bute pills are going to morph into some poison – or explode – at any time after they expire. So the expiration date doesn’t really mean that the medication has become unsafe to use. Most medical authorities state expired drugs are safe to take, even those that expired years ago.
2. What Does the Expiration Date Mean?...
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Tuesday, November 05, 2013
Balancing the Microbes in the Horse's Digestive Tract
KER.equinews.com - Full Article
By Dr. Kathleen Crandell · January 3, 2012
The importance of maintaining a balanced microbial population in the equine digestive tract is often underscored in popular-press articles and primers on horse nutrition, but what does “balanced” mean? What types of microbes are living in the digestive tract? How many are there, and what is their purpose? What can be done to keep them balanced?
A delicate balance exists among the different types of microbes that reside in the gastrointestinal tract. Humans cannot live on forage because we lack these microbes that break down forage into usable bits. The products of forage digestion are volatile fatty acids, which horses use for energy. Humans have some microbes that should stay in balance as well, although they pale in number and function compared to those of herbivores. We are being inundated with products that address that function in humans, and nutritionists emphasize the importance of that balance in the human digestive tract in overall health and well-being. Like humans, horses cannot perform their best if digestive microbes are out of balance...
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By Dr. Kathleen Crandell · January 3, 2012
The importance of maintaining a balanced microbial population in the equine digestive tract is often underscored in popular-press articles and primers on horse nutrition, but what does “balanced” mean? What types of microbes are living in the digestive tract? How many are there, and what is their purpose? What can be done to keep them balanced?
A delicate balance exists among the different types of microbes that reside in the gastrointestinal tract. Humans cannot live on forage because we lack these microbes that break down forage into usable bits. The products of forage digestion are volatile fatty acids, which horses use for energy. Humans have some microbes that should stay in balance as well, although they pale in number and function compared to those of herbivores. We are being inundated with products that address that function in humans, and nutritionists emphasize the importance of that balance in the human digestive tract in overall health and well-being. Like humans, horses cannot perform their best if digestive microbes are out of balance...
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Researchers Study Head, Neck Positions' Effects on Muscles
Thehorse.com - Full Article
By Alexandra Beckstett, The Horse Managing Editor
Oct 11, 2013
The physiological effects of horses' head and neck positions (HNP) while being ridden is a topic of fierce debate. And until now, there hasn't been any data on head and neck position's effect on muscle activity, especially that of the muscles controlling these positions.
Kathrin Kienapfel, MA, a doctoral student at Ruhr-University Bochum, in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, recently evaluated electromyography (EMG, a tool that allows researchers to read muscle activity through sensors attached to the skin) activity of three major head and neck muscles when horses performed three characteristic HNPs:...
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By Alexandra Beckstett, The Horse Managing Editor
Oct 11, 2013
The physiological effects of horses' head and neck positions (HNP) while being ridden is a topic of fierce debate. And until now, there hasn't been any data on head and neck position's effect on muscle activity, especially that of the muscles controlling these positions.
Kathrin Kienapfel, MA, a doctoral student at Ruhr-University Bochum, in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, recently evaluated electromyography (EMG, a tool that allows researchers to read muscle activity through sensors attached to the skin) activity of three major head and neck muscles when horses performed three characteristic HNPs:...
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Tickets for Arabian Nights Christmas Show are Now on Sale
Special Christmas show, “Amirah’s Wish,” runs Dec. 1 through Dec. 31
KISSIMMEE, Fla. (Nov. 4, 2013) – Step aside, Rudolph – Santa is headed for Arabian Nights in just a few weeks and when he arrives it will be by a team of Arabian horses instead of the usual reindeer.
Tickets are now on sale for the Arabian Nights Christmas show, “Amirah’s Wish.” This holiday tradition will run from Sunday, December, 1 through Tuesday, December 31.
Arabian Nights’ Christmas show began in 2004 and has quickly become a favorite for families in Orlando during the holidays, with many repeat visitors.
“Arabian Nights’ Christmas show is the perfect way to enjoy the holiday spirit with the entire family,” said Arden Tilghman, President of Arabian Nights. “Our show wraps the most unique styles of horsemanship, acrobatics and aerial performance from around the globe into a fun, season spectacle.”
Audiences at “Amirah’s Wish” will find a completely different story line from Arabian Nights’ new show, “The Royal Celebration,” which debuted in July.
Christmas show tickets cost $66.99 and up with a 25% discount for booking online at www.arabian-nights.com. Tickets are also available at all Florida Walgreens stores in Florida. Paper tickets can be purchased in advance from any cashier, and then reservations made by phone.
Arabian Nights features world-class equestrian entertainment and some of the top Arabian horses in the world. The champion Arabians performing in the show come from Al-Marah Arabians, the historic horse farm owned by Mark Miller, who is also the owner of Arabian Nights. Miller’s family is only the third family to have had control of this herd in its 200-plus year history.
Arabian Nights is located at 3081 Arabian Nights Blvd. in Kissimmee.
For more on Arabian Nights, please visit the all-new website, www.arabian-nights.com.
KISSIMMEE, Fla. (Nov. 4, 2013) – Step aside, Rudolph – Santa is headed for Arabian Nights in just a few weeks and when he arrives it will be by a team of Arabian horses instead of the usual reindeer.
Tickets are now on sale for the Arabian Nights Christmas show, “Amirah’s Wish.” This holiday tradition will run from Sunday, December, 1 through Tuesday, December 31.
Arabian Nights’ Christmas show began in 2004 and has quickly become a favorite for families in Orlando during the holidays, with many repeat visitors.
“Arabian Nights’ Christmas show is the perfect way to enjoy the holiday spirit with the entire family,” said Arden Tilghman, President of Arabian Nights. “Our show wraps the most unique styles of horsemanship, acrobatics and aerial performance from around the globe into a fun, season spectacle.”
Audiences at “Amirah’s Wish” will find a completely different story line from Arabian Nights’ new show, “The Royal Celebration,” which debuted in July.
Christmas show tickets cost $66.99 and up with a 25% discount for booking online at www.arabian-nights.com. Tickets are also available at all Florida Walgreens stores in Florida. Paper tickets can be purchased in advance from any cashier, and then reservations made by phone.
Arabian Nights features world-class equestrian entertainment and some of the top Arabian horses in the world. The champion Arabians performing in the show come from Al-Marah Arabians, the historic horse farm owned by Mark Miller, who is also the owner of Arabian Nights. Miller’s family is only the third family to have had control of this herd in its 200-plus year history.
Arabian Nights is located at 3081 Arabian Nights Blvd. in Kissimmee.
For more on Arabian Nights, please visit the all-new website, www.arabian-nights.com.
Sunday, November 03, 2013
Antibacterial action of honey
Equinescienceupdate.com - Full Article
Wounds to the lower limbs of horses can prove challenging to manage. Recently there has been a growing interest in the use of honey in such cases.
Not all honey is the same. Its antibacterial quality depends on the type of honey and the conditions under which it was harvested and processed. Most honey contains hydrogen peroxide, which has antibacterial properties. Some types of honey contain additional active components. For example, the antibacterial properties of manuka honey are believed to be due to high concentrations of methylglyoxal, a compound usually found in only low quantities in other types of honey.
Manuka honey, produced by bees foraging on manuka plants (Leptospermum scoparium), native to Australia and New Zealand, has been the subject of considerable research. Honey from other sources is often used in practice, but there has been little research into how effective it is...
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Wounds to the lower limbs of horses can prove challenging to manage. Recently there has been a growing interest in the use of honey in such cases.
Not all honey is the same. Its antibacterial quality depends on the type of honey and the conditions under which it was harvested and processed. Most honey contains hydrogen peroxide, which has antibacterial properties. Some types of honey contain additional active components. For example, the antibacterial properties of manuka honey are believed to be due to high concentrations of methylglyoxal, a compound usually found in only low quantities in other types of honey.
Manuka honey, produced by bees foraging on manuka plants (Leptospermum scoparium), native to Australia and New Zealand, has been the subject of considerable research. Honey from other sources is often used in practice, but there has been little research into how effective it is...
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