by Marcia Weber Martins
12 Feb 2017
Today I welcome Kasey Riley of “Desperate Endurance”, “August Fire” and “The Skeleton Trail”
With over twenty years of horse ownership and Endurance riding to her credit, Kasey Riley (Kim) brings a wealth of knowledge to her novels. Her love of the trail, outdoors, and rural living give color and vibrancy to her books. This realism has drawn many readers to her novels. She strives to make readers see through the eyes of her characters and imagine themselves enmeshed in the plot.
Her first two novels are mysteries with romances building around them and the third is a romance, which uses suspense to draw the couple together as they strive to stay alive. She plans on each book being a stand-alone novel that can be read in any sequence without the reader missing details of the story. Her current work in progress comes from a discussion between Kasey and her husband, Jeff, in one of the several drives between Oklahoma and their new home in Tennessee. Tossing around an idea about a young woman who keeps being involved in mysterious violence. Then coming up with an idea as to why she’s involved and solving the situation kept them occupied for many miles. Kasey’s mind sees every news article as a possible story plot for her characters.
When not writing or riding, she enjoys reading a wide variety of genre novels and sounding out new plots on her husband of 40+ years. Together, they moved two horses, four dogs, two cats and all their assorted belongings from SE Oklahoma to Central Tennessee in 2016. Now able to ride out the back door, Kasey finds less time to write, but has many viable ideas to work from. Soon she will have “Do Not Assume” completed and be able to get back to the young adult work in progress she set aside when the mystery of Do Not Assume kept distracting her.
Since the horrible forest fires in the Gatlinburg, TN area in November, Kasey has committed all of her royalties to the Dollywood Foundation’s My People Fund to aid the hundreds of victims who have lost everything in the wake of the fires. Details can be found on her website:
www.kaseyriley.com Even those who choose to use their Kindle Unlimited accounts to read her works will help this effort since the royalties all are paid to the Foundation for 2017.
When did you start writing?
I’ve been writing in one form or another for years. Essays, monthly newsletters, and short stories have been submitted and even won contests since my early 20’s. I finally got the chance to really sit down and write after we sold our online catalog back in 2012. My first novel, Desperate Endurance was published in 2013.
What motivated you to start writing?
I got serious about writing after becoming very irritated at another author who completely misrepresented my sport of Endurance Horse Riding/Racing. I knew I could do better and show readers the true nature of the sport. So I did...
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