Saturday, June 27, 2020

Minimize Transport-Related Disease, Gastric Ulceration in Horses - Full Article

March 13, 2020
By Kentucky Equine Research Staff

If you think that safely transporting horses, particularly over long distances, causes you strife, just imagine for a moment the stress your horse must feel. While many management strategies minimize stress and illness during and after transport, injuries, dehydration, and respiratory issues persist.

“Gastric ulceration occurs when horses experience stress, contributing to weight loss and changes in behavior and performance, and transport can certainly stir stress in many horses,” explained Catherine Whitehouse, M.S., a nutrition advisor for Kentucky Equine Research.

Considering the nature of the industry, transport over long distances can rarely be avoided, especially for competition horses and many breeding horses. In an attempt to minimize transport stress and the associated health problems, veterinary researchers recently attempted to identify healthier ways to travel...

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