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A green energy source might one day come from the big brown pile behind your barn.
Posted by Christa Lesté-Lasserre, MA | Nov 14, 2021
According to Italian researchers, horse manure could be a clean and efficient biofuel—provided scientists can determine how to dry it out first.
Stored feces and manure contain high quantities of water—80% and 66%, respectively—which is far too much for the biomass to burn well. When the raw material is dry, though, it creates such a high-producing energy source that it might be worth investing the energy to dry the piles and combust them in a furnace, said Luca Da Lio, in the University of Padova’s Department of Industrial Engineering, in Italy...
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Wednesday, November 24, 2021
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
My Fitness Regime: Endurance Rider Rebecca Pinder

22 November 2021
Mari Inouye and Ali Divita of Mind.Body.Vault caught up with one of the top ranked FEI Endurance riders in the world, Rebecca Pinder from Australia...
What separates the good from the great within equestrian sport? What makes someone truly a master at their discipline?
How do certain people take their love of horses, build a successful partnership with their equestrian teammate and become champions and inspirational figures within their sport?
These are questions that fascinate us at Mind.Body.Vault. In this series, we have asked these questions to some of the top athletes in each of the FEI disciplines...
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Monday, November 22, 2021
WARNING: Shocking New Horse Sale Fraud Scam!

Do You Sell or Buy Horses Online?
If so, this public service announcement is for you.
We recently assisted one of our clients in taking down two fraudulent horse sale websites.
Our client is in the business of importing and selling quality horses, and has a professionally designed website with beautiful photos, video and detailed descriptions of horses offered for sale as well as horses previously sold. To our client’s horror, they discovered two other websites were advertising some of THEIR horses for sale – using photos, videos and content stolen directly from their website. One of the sites even copied our client’s bio, complete with photos of our client and their personal horse!
Several of our client’s customers started noticing the same horses for sale at lower prices on the scammers’ websites. These clients contacted our clients and questioned our client’s integrity – a very distressing situation for our client...
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Friday, November 19, 2021
Equestrian Adventuresses Podcast: The Making of a Trail Horse

November 2 2021
by Utetonia
People often say “It’s just a trail horse!” which implies that a trail horse is a horse which can only walk straight and nothing else. It could not be further from the truth. A good trail horse is light and responsive and a good trail horse is confident and trusts in its rider. But above all, a good trail horse is bomb-proof. Today I am talking about my experiences training young horses for the trail and how to get them bomb proof!
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Beet Pulp: Energy Source for Horses
October 4, 2021
By Kentucky Equine Research Staff
Horses with high energy demands, such as performance horses and hard keepers, frequently require concentrates to meet athletic expectations and to maintain condition. If you’re looking to decrease the amount of high-starch concentrates, offering beet pulp can offset the need for cereal grains while supporting a healthy gastrointestinal system.
Offering concentrates fills the gap in many horse’s diets when hay alone provides insufficient calories. In some cases, the starch content of traditional sweet feeds and straight cereal grains can exceed 40% in a horse’s diet, potentially resulting in digestive disorders when fed at high intakes.
Some horses fed these types of diets may require gastrointestinal support due to the possibility of gastric ulceration, hindgut acidosis, and even laminitis...
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Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Four Simple Rules for Preventing Winter Colic

Colic doesn’t follow a calendar. Virtually any horse can be stricken with gut pain at any time of year. That said, there are certain types of colic that are more likely to occur in winter than at other times of year. A veterinarian called out to see a colicky horse on a frigid day in January is going to expect to find a certain scenario that she wouldn’t for the same type of call in June.
The colics most associated with the cold weather months are impaction- related. When ingested feed stops moving through the horse’s gut efficiently, the material can accumulate and form a blockage. Feed and gas then back up behind the blockage, causing distention of the intestine and associated pain. Impactions are often found in an area called the “pelvic flexure,” a hairpin turn the large colon makes back on itself, but can also occur in other locations.
Thankfully, impactions are typically easy to diagnose---many can be confirmed during rectal palpations---and treatment is often straightforward. A dose of painkillers, possibly a sedative, along with hydration usually gets things moving again. In more severe cases, hospitalization so that intravenous fluids can be administered might be necessary, but even those horses tend to recover quickly. Of course, it’s easier on everyone if colic doesn’t occur in the first place.
In that spirit, I’m going to share the four management tips that will contribute the most to protecting your horse from winter colic or, at the very least, recognizing it early when it’s easier to treat. These aren’t things you haven’t heard before, but it pays to refresh your memory and resolve as we head into winter...
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Hocking County woman publishes horseback memoir

November 11 2021
BUCHTEL — Joy S. MillerUpton, who has lived in Hocking County for almost five decades, has released her first book, “Journeys: Finding Joy on Horseback” through Buchtel-based Monday Creek Publishing, according to an Oct. 27 press release.
MillerUpton’s memoir is a story of “transformation from a traditional role of wife/mother to writer/photojournalist,” framed by six horse journeys she took over a period of 27 years, beginning with a 30-day, mostly-solo ride in 1973...
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Saturday, November 13, 2021
How to Pull a Horseshoe Off
It's a task every horseman should know and be able to do in a pinch.
Certified Journeyman Farrier Lee Olsen demonstrates a skill every horse owner should know— how to pull a horseshoe off of a hoof.
Equestrian Adventuresses Podcast: Endurance Riding in Australia

November 9 2021
by Utetonia
Today I am talking with Anna Erickson about Endurance riding in Australia. Anna has recently participated in the prestigious Tom Quilty Gold Cup, a 100 miles endurance race and the unofficial national endurance championship of the country. She tells us all about her experience and why this historic race is special. We also talk about Endurance riding in Australia in general and how it is like to travel more than 3000 km to join a ride.
Your Guest today:
Anna Erickson (Australia)
Endurance rider and veterinarian, Anna first vetted Endurance rides and then decided to try out riding them. This passion finally took her to participate in the prestigious Tom Quilty Cup in 2014 for the first time. It took another two attempts to finally complete the ride in 2021.
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Monday, November 01, 2021
Talkin' Trot Podcast: Volunteering
Talkin' Trot Podcast - Listen
Endurance riding is all about Volunteers.
Without Volunteers, our sport would not exist.
Have you been thinking about getting started in Endurance Riding? Volunteering at a ride is a great way to learn about the sport! Been riding but want to step up in distance or learn about ride management? Volunteer!
Tune in to hear about the many ways you can help to keep rides going in your area! A huge thank you to every single volunteer that makes our sport possible! We appreciate you!
Listen now on Spotify, Stitcher, Apple Podcasts and Amazon Podcasts!
Endurance riding is all about Volunteers.
Without Volunteers, our sport would not exist.
Have you been thinking about getting started in Endurance Riding? Volunteering at a ride is a great way to learn about the sport! Been riding but want to step up in distance or learn about ride management? Volunteer!
Tune in to hear about the many ways you can help to keep rides going in your area! A huge thank you to every single volunteer that makes our sport possible! We appreciate you!
Listen now on Spotify, Stitcher, Apple Podcasts and Amazon Podcasts!
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