Saturday, July 27, 2024

'Crazy journey' reunites a missing horse with its family

Flex the horse went missing on Tuesday, prompting a community search effort that lasted days. (Submitted by Rosalynn Peschl - image credit) - Full Story

Sat, July 27, 2024

After a days long search spanning kilometres around the hamlet of Bragg Creek, Alta., a championship endurance horse was reunited with its family.

Flex the horse was found southwest of the town Friday morning, lingering in a clearing near a trail in the Station Flats area.

Owner Rosalynn Peschl said she and her husband, Houston Peschl, felt "tremendous relief" upon seeing Flex standing in a forest clearing.

"By the time I had the halter on him and knew that he was secure, we both just started crying with relief and joy and all of the emotions that have been bubbling under the surface for the last couple of days," she said.

Peschl said her husband headed out for a ride near the West Bragg Creek Day Use Area on Tuesday. While he was saddling Flex, a bee sting spooked the horse, causing him to break his halter and run off...

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Monday, July 15, 2024

The Making of a Tevis Horse: An Exclusive Interview with Layne and Atlas - Full Article

July 11 2024
by Tamara Baysinger

As the clock to Tevis 2024 ticks down, anticipation in the endurance world is ticking up. Around the globe, bucket-listers and veterans alike are caught up in the dream.

Here at Sweaty Equestrian headquarters, my days are abuzz with preparations, from getting chili in the freezer, to sunscreen in my saddlebags, to my nerves under control. Amid the hustle, I set aside time to focus on the epicenter of it all: the horse.

What does it take to get a good prospect to the starting line of the famous (infamous?) Western States 100 Mile Trail Ride?

I sat down with Atlas and his owner, Layne Lewis, to ask...

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Sunday, July 07, 2024

The Pony Express (Re)Rides Again! - Full Article

This annual event follows the famous trail between Missouri and California on the same 10-day schedule as navigated by the original riders.

By: Kim Izzo | June 26, 2024

The Pony Express is entrenched in the lore of the American West, yet it only existed for 18 months between 1860-1861. The horses and riders who travelled the mail route from Missouri to California – some 1,800 miles in ten days or less – remain the stuff of legends. But the Pony Express was cut short by the arrival of the telegram machine which connected the states more efficiently in order to spread news, especially during the Civil War era.

Today, there is a group of passionate horsemen and women, called re-riders, who mount up and reenact the same route through the original eight states...

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