MARCH 20, 2017
March is a tough time of year for getting out riding. I don’t know about you, but by this time, I am no longer excited about the snow and the cold. I find more excuses not to ride than i would have early in the winter, even though I know that now is the time to start ramping up my training. Its just the cold…. I am so sick of it. It has gone on long enough! This year is particularly bad, because we had a brilliant warm snap in February, so going back to temps near -20C feel more like I am jumping into the arctic ocean than looking toward spring.
So what do I do instead? I make my plan for the year! Its a great time to start because it will help me be accountable for the next few weeks while temps remain below 0, but it will also get me psyched up (or perhaps psyched out) because I get to see that the ride season is really not that far out and I have a clear path to get there. Yay!
Unless you are a spreadsheet whiz/junkie like myself, you may feel a little overwhelmed, so today I will share with you what I use to plan my rides.
1. I start with my main goal and a ride calendar...
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