Saturday, September 24, 2022

In the ranches of B.C.’s Cariboo Chilcotin, I gained a deeper understanding of the connection between human and horses - Full Article

With more than a dozen guest ranches, the region offers many opportunities to get back in the saddle.

By Claudia LaroyeSpecial to the Star
Fri., Sept. 16, 2022

At Historic Hat Creek Ranch, about an hour west of Kamloops, B.C., guide Reni Lind wears the snappy garb of a 19th-century saloon keeper as he tells tales of the Cariboo Wagon Road, and the American Gold Rush miners who flooded this region in the 1850s.

“More than 700 kilometres of road were built over three years [between 1862 and 1865], from Fort Yale to Quesnel and Barkerville,” says Lind. Once a crucial route to the Fraser River’s precious metal, the gravel road still runs through the ranch, where the well-preserved Hat Creek Roadhouse, built in 1861, once serviced miners and watered stagecoach horses en route north. Today, the ranch is a heritage site with costumed interpreters bringing the past to life...

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