Endurance.net’s distance riding book shelves at http://www.endurance.net/Books/ gives you many fun choices!
May 7 2023
Piggybacking on the idea of national Buy A Book Day (September 7), Horseandriderbooks.com and the equestrian media company Heels Down have teamed up to encourage people to read about horses for pleasure and education.
The idea is about all horse books and horse book authors. They are hoping to continue to generate lots of excitement for the day, encourage people to buy a horse book on May 10, post selfies and pics of their favorite horse books, support local tack shops and bookstores that carry horse books, and celebrate equestrian literature in other ways, all tagged #buyahorsebookday.
If you do post anything on social media, don’t forget to tag @HorseandRiderBooks and @HeelsDownMag. They will share everyone’s posts in as many ways as possible! We all look forward to building excitement for what we hope can be an annual event together that gets bigger and better every year.

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