HorseIllustrated.com - Full Article
This ancient breed has been influential on others while becoming a legend in its own right.
By Audrey Pavia
May 5 2022
When it comes to equine history, many believe you can’t go further back than the Arabian horse.
For centuries, the ancestors of today’s Arabians were carefully bred by the Bedouin tribes of the Sahara Desert. Used for war and for traveling long distances, these horses lived in close quarters with their nomadic keepers, sharing their tents on cold nights and developing deep bonds.
Life in the harsh desert meant only the strongest of these horses survived. The results were the development of a breed with a large lung capacity and great endurance that can travel for miles without stopping, with the heart and spirit to match.
In more recent times, Arabian horses have contributed their ancient genes to help create and refine other breeds. The Thoroughbred, Andalusian, Welsh Pony and American Quarter Horse are just a few of the breeds that owe their influence to the Arabian horse. An Arabian Horse Ambassador
What does it mean to live with a horse whose heritage is considered the oldest and purest of all of the breeds? Husband-and-wife team Lee Pearce and Naomi Preston of Baker City, Ore., know the answer...
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