I'm kind of funny about tights. Not being young, nor "skinny", well over the hump of late fifties, getting tights to fit correctly has been challenging. The older I get, the more it is true. I've wanted to try a pair of Crazy Legs tights for a long time, but since I have four tights already (two roll down and drive me nuts) I was having serious pre-purchase guilt, and put it off for a very long time. Because what if I invest $70-85 in tights only to find they are not comfortable, or roll down like the other two sets in my drawer? Diane at Crazy legs had this wild electric green fabric, and that finally tipped me over the edge to purchase. Mine are actually charcoal grey with the green print 4 inch strip down the outer legs. My Android phone is refusing to actually deliver the image to me...so when it gets with it, I'll add the picture of my actual tights.
Now to the funny about tights thing. I can't stand to feel seams and it doesn't take many miles (actually no miles) until I do. I've been functioning many years with some nerve damage that make a misplaced seam on my leg unbearable in ways that are difficult to illustrate, but suffice it to say I'm picky about what touches my skin on the leg. It has to be light, whisper soft, and no raised seam. PERIOD...
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